Hmmm …
You know, I was going to knock out a few lines about Brussels Sprouts.
Considering Radio 4’s weekend farming show just gave them a mention,
But I’ve just heard — on the news — that David Cameron, Britain’s PM, has started to emphasise Britain’s Christian heritage.
That’s worrying, to me.
You see, I grew up during the 1970s, when Northern Ireland was a troubled land, with the religious aspects playing their part: I think me and my friends definitely grew up with the impression that sectarian religious divides — between different denominations or between religions — were a MAJOR source of trouble.
So hearing a politician speak favourably about religion, however worthy a contribution he may think he’s making … ?
Well …
I start referring you to Dune, frankly.
Let’s get moving on, shall we?
Yes, lets …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — incredibly flattering woman that she is — putting in her answers: AND bagging 5 out of 5.
Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 17th December, 1538, saw which English King get excommunicated … ?Q2) More to the point, by which pope … ?Q3) 17th December, 1989, saw the debut episode of The Simpsons aired: what was that episode’s title … ?Q4) 17th December, 2010 saw Mohamed Bouazizi spark the Tunisian Revolution — and Arab Spring — by doing what … ?Q5) 17th December, 1939, saw the scuttling of which German warship … ?Q6) And finally … 17th December, 1942, saw which British politician condemn the murder of Jews in Nazi controlled Europe … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th December, 1497, saw Vasco Da Gama round the Cape of Good Hope: on which continent is the Cape of Good Hope?A1) Africa.Q2) 16th December, 1984, saw Mikhail Gorbachev make a successful visit to the UK: who was Soviet Russian leader, at the time … ?A2) Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko.Q3) 16th December is a Bollywood film about the (fictional) nuclear bombing of whichIndian city: New Delhi, Mumbai or Kolkata … ?A3) New Delhi.Q4) 16th December, 1969, saw the UK’s Parliament vote in favour of abolishing the death sentence for murder: in which year did the UK stop the death sentence for Treason … ?A4) 1998.Q5) And finally … 16th December, 1773, is the date of the Boston Tea Party: the revolutionaries who carried this out were disguised as what … ?A5) Mohawk. (Or Kanien'kehá:ka (People of the Place of Flint) if you happen to be fluent in their language …)
Enjoy those, everyone: or, as birthday boy, Tommy Steele put it … ?
Stick it in the family ALBUM* … !
* Musical stings and cries of ‘Ta-DAH’ are, of course, purely optional.
1 comment:
Never empty flattery, though. Just so you know. :)
1. Henry VIII
2. Pope Paul III
3. "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
4. setting himself on fire
5. Admiral Graf Spee
6. Winston Churchill
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