Hmmm …
You know, I’ve got to admit, I managed to got hold of the updates Apple issue, last night, for both Keynote — possibly the most polished bit of the software for the Mac that they sell* — and for Safari.
Hmmm …
According to the release notes issued by Apple for Safari, the update’s supposed to address some of the issues that I and other users have been having.
I’ll be frank.
At the moment, it does still seem to be having the ‘White Flash’ issues reported: although not as badly as up until now.
And still seems to have trouble loading up more than about half a dozen tabs.
Hmmm …
I THINK a certain Californian company’s got more work to do …
Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?
Let‘s …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting her answers: and — along with being tickled pink by the Hale and Pace Microwaved Cat sketchº — managing to bag 6 out of 6.
Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 6th December is the feast day of Saint Nicholas of Myra, the gift-giving saint who provided one model for Father Christmas: what type of moneylender is he the patron saint of … ?Q2) 6th December, 1060, saw Béla 1st crowned king of which European country?Q3) 6th December, 1897, saw London become the first city to host licensed what: taxis, public houses or boxers?Q4) 6th December, 2006, saw NASA unveil photos from which probe … ?Q5) More to the point, these photos suggested the existence of water on which planet … ?Q6) And finally … 6th December, 1947, saw the formal dedication of the Everglades National Park in the US: but in which US State?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th December, 2010, saw exhibition team, the Harlem Globe Trotters, play the famous Four Point Game against which team … ?A1) The Washington Generals.Q2) Just as a point of trivia, what’s the Globetrotters’ theme tune?A2) Sweet Georgia Brown: specifically, Brother Bones’ rendition.Q3) 5th December, 1932, saw Albert Einstein granted a US visa: in which year was he granted US citizenship?A3) 1940.Q4) 5th December, 1991, saw whose business empire call in the Administrators … ?A4) That of newspaperman, Robert Maxwell.Q5) 5th December, 1958, saw STD formally inaugurated in the UK: what does STD stand for … ?A5) Subscriber Trunk Dialling. (Occasionally, it’s referred to as Subscriber Toll Dialling.)Q6) And finally … 5th December, 1952, saw the start of the Great Smog of 1952. Name either of the two words that smog is made up from.A6) Smoke and Fog.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !
After we’ve had something a touch civilised from birthday boy, Dave Brubeck …
* Mostly on the strength of the fact it was originally developed for Steve Jobs, himself, for his regular presentations: the developers would have been given hell, knowing the man’s reputation!
º As I recall, Debbi, I think they had to tone the show down, after that …! (Although the Two Ron’s could be a touch edgeyª … !)
ª Trust me, that’s MILD … !
1 comment:
Compared to nuked cats. Well ... I can imagine that is mild. :)
1. pawnbrokers
2. Hungary
3. taxis
4. the Mars Global Surveyor (according to this source: http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=21407)
5. Mars
6. Florida
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