You know, I have a confession to make.
I WAS due to go to work, today.
But … ?
Frankly, my guts where killing me.
Seriously killing me.
Stupidly — and what I think DIDN’T help — was the fact I walked into work: to ask for time off.
In the thinking that the walk up Warley Hill, to Brentwood High Street, would help relieve the stomach pains.
And I have to give credit to my boss, for letting me have the day off.
I was able to book up an emergency appointment — via the UK’s 111 service — with my doctor’s Practise nurse.
And get a prescription for a dose of Buscopan.
Which, as it turns out, is very good at dealing with stomach cramps … and irritable bowel syndrome.
Remind me to have a word with my GP about that, when I see her, next week … !
That took until four o’clock to sort out.
And it was only from about five — when the medication kicked in — that I felt any kind of pain relief.
Which meant a few things.
Granted, I would be getting paid for the loss of a day’s work. I can live with that, if I can work out WHY my stomach behaves so badly.
And secondly … ?
I was able to catch up with an episode of a favourite TV show. Episode two, of the third season of House of Cards.
I’ve been meaning to do for a while …