28th February, 2023.
I’ve managed to finish it!
Finish what, I hear you ask.
My most recent review: of ‘Happy Valley*,’ the fourth episode of For All Mankind.
That’s an episode with one hell of a cliff hanger.
And one hell of a villain: I can’t but think the character’s loosely based on Steve Jobs.
Let’s face it, he — and the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Alan Sugar — can be as charismatic as the want … but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re nice …
I’m something of a Terry Pratchett fan: buying everything he wrote over the course of many years.
They’re on a shelf in the bedroom, so you know.
And was saddened by the news of his Alzheimer’s, and his eventual death.
There was no more Discworld novels to come: especially as his will specified that unfinished work was to be destroyed.
By a steam roller.
Yesterday, however?
The BBC news announced that several published short stories were to be republished, this October.
I think I’m going to have to save up for that.
Unless someone want’s to buy me a really late birthday present … !