30th April, 2023.
Right … it’s Sunday.
And, beyond editing some videos?
I’m fully expecting the day to be … you know …
Especially after getting some teatowels — and a blu-ray — delivered.
The blu-ray’s currently being ripped, the unused teatowels are in a drawer … and the new, collapsible, colanders are in place.
Heigh ho!
I’m in the UK: which you’d possibly worked out, if you’ve been following me for a while.
And, of course, the news is — if not exactly full of it — then certainly giving a mention to the upcoming Coronation of King Charles 3rd.
I’m thinking watching it could be good: it’s not like they happen every day of the week.
There’s more news, over the past couple of days.
Apparently? We’re going to be asked to swear allegiance* to the King.
I hope that’s optional.
I’d hate to have it back-fire on me!