You know, I’ve GOT to admit, it’s SOMETHING of a late Friday night, tonight.

Seriously …
Right at the moment, I’m in Kent, at the moment — south of the river, and in Strood, in case you were wondering — and over some friends of mine.
Gwen, and her partner, Stef — along with mutual friend Peter — and I were …
All …
Well, watching a film, would you believe.
And, if you hadn’t guessed it was the 2008 WW2 drama, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, then you’ve not noticed the poster, have you … ?
Based on the John Boyne novel of the same name, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas sees Asa Butterfield as the films hero, Bruno, and his family as his father — a high ranking Nazi officer played by David Thewlis — taking charge of a Nazi death-camp.
During his (forbidden) exploration of the area, Bruno comes across a part of the area he believes to be a farm, and makes friends with Shmuel — Jack Scanlon — a child Bruno believes to be wearing striped pyjamas as part of a complicated game.
We know otherwise, of course.
And as we slowly come to realise that The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is heading to only one ending … ?
We care deeply for the two children at the heart of the drama.
Now, I’ve got to admit, this is one HECK of a film.
I’m confess, here, that I, Stefan, Gwen and Peter were silent at the end of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
There is — very literally — little one can — indeed, should — say about the ending of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
Except it had a sense of inevitability to it that left us all breathless.
And silent.
And horrified.
With the result we’ve agreed: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a film ALL of us have to see.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Paul: ★★★★Stefan: ★★★★Gwen: ★★★★
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