Thursday 4 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-7-2024 — Election Day.

4th July, 2024: Election Day.

Right … it’s Election Day!

Or, at least, the day after Wednesday.


That means fun was had with my nephew, Jude: as he’s managed upload another video.

Feel free to hit the ‘Like’ button, you’ll make his day!



I’m going to mention the UK’s General Election: taking place at a polling station near you.


I’m voting Green.

Their manifesto is offering to put Universal Credit up by forty pounds a week.

It’s probably as unrealistic, unfunded and impractical as any other political pledge … but, given my situation?

They’re the only party offering extra money, however nebulous that offer is.


One party I won’t be voting for … ?

Is the Nigel Farage-led Reform Party.

Putting it bluntly?

From what I’ve seen of them, they are too right wing for my taste.

Certainly, some Reform activists are ever so slightly racist or homophobic.

And at least two candidates have defected to the Tories, as a result.

My one concern … ?

Is that, in my experience, some residents of my home town of Brentwood are exactly that: ever so slightly racist or homophobic.

And sympathetic enough to those activists, for Reform to do well.

Maybe not win the constituency: I suspect that will be the Tories, again.

But I think the Reform candidate could certainly come second, if they’re not the MP, by tomorrow.


Just as a last political thought … ?

I notice politicians, these days, don’t ‘make promises’.


After Tony Blair first used the phrase many years ago, politicians make categorical pledges.

I almost always think of chocolate, when I hear the phrase.

I first came across it in Orwell’s 1984.

When the main character has to alter records: to cover up a leadership U-turn about the chocolate ration.

A u-turn about not increasing it … after making a categorical pledge, a categorical pledge, rather than a promise, to do so.


I always wonder what Orwell would be making of elections, these days.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-7-2024 — Belarus

3rd July, 2024: Belarus.

Right then … Wednesday … 


I’m looking forward to the day, to be honest: hopefully, my nephew, Jude, will be visiting.

I’d like to know exactly what he’s planning, video-wise.


At any rate … ?

I read this article on the BBC’s news site, today: about how a charity in Basildon is giving away refurbished desktops to those in need.

It’s an interesting piece.


Doesn’t say if there’s other companies in other parts of Essex doing the same thing.

Nor how families in Basildon can apply.

Nor who to contact, in order to ask.

Granted: one hundred families have been invited through the charity’s partners.

It’s good to report on these things.

If you also can pass on contact details, or how to apply, or — ha! — how to join the Invitation list, that would be better.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd July, 2024.

2nd July, 2024.

Right then: it’s officially Tuesday!

Which is going to be nice and quiet, I think.

At least I hope so: I’d like to get some quizzes written.


Or possibly watch some TV.

If I did want to … ?

There’s a very good possibility that a new channel — station? service? — will show up on my AppleTV at some point.

As Rupert Murdoch’s Fox company is planning is planning to introduce its ad supported Tubi service.

I think it’s a crowded market … but that’s never stopped people, before!


Just as a last thought … ?

I’ve an earworm, this morning.

Syd Dale’s “Marching There and Back”, best remembered as the theme tune to an old quiz show called Screen Test.

I have fond memories of Screen Test.

There were times the only way you’d see the first two Dalek stories — The Daleks or Dalek Invasion Of Earth — was if the BBC aired the film versions on a Saturday morning.

Or, more commonly?

If Screen Test used a famous clip in one of its quizzes!

That was exciting stuff!


Monday 1 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-7-2024 — Ontario

1st July, 2024: Ontario.

La, la!   Monday!

Yes: it’s that day of the week, again: which means I’m up early.

And, yes, before you ask … ?

It’s for my weight management meeting.

I’d gained, last week: so, hopefully?

I’ve lost, this week!

Wish me luck!


Did I mention I bought a copy of the newly released classic Dr Who serial, The Celestial Toymaker, recently?

I bought a copy of the newly released classic Dr Who serial, The Celestial Toymaker, recently.

So you know … 

And, whilst I’m not going to start watching and revising it, yet … ?

I did catch one of the extra features, last night: The Escape Room*.

In case you didn’t know, an escape room is a type of puzzle game.

You lock a handful of people in a room.

To get out?   They have to solve a series of puzzles†.

Watching Peter Purves, Maureen O’Brian and Lisa Bowerman, trying to solve a lot of Dr Who themed puzzles was rather fun!

But I’ll tell you what: Maureen O’Brian’s impatient!
