Thursday, 31 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-3-2022: Malteaser

31st March, 2022.

Right … 

It’s Thursday: and frankly?

I’ve got my nephew over, this afternoon.

Yes: he was over yesterday, and managed to do a couple of videos.

Liking and subscribing would be nice!

On top of that … ?

I’ve got another weight loss group meeting, this morning: the last of the regular ones.

It goes to monthly meetings, from now on.

How that will go … ?

We’ll have to see.


Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th March 2022

30th March, 2022.

Right … it’s officially going to be a quiet Wednesday, today.

Assuming my nephew doesn’t turn up!

Assuming he does … ?

Things will get noisy.


Oh, the nominations for the BAFTA TV awards have been released, today.

And … ?

The Russell T Davies penned It’s A Sin is leading the nominations: up for Best mini-series, Best Actor (Olly Murs) and Best Actress for Lydia West.

Assuming Lydia wins?   And assuming she’s a genuine candidate for the 14th Doctor job?

It’ll give her one hell of a negotiating position.

Good luck to her her, either way.


Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th March, 2022.

29th March, 2022.

Right … it’s Tuesday … and the day after my most recent blood tests.

I should get the results, and information about a possible change in medication, next week.

Hopefully, things won’t need drastic changes!


I had an old friend get in touch with me, last night.

It was quite good hearing from her.

The shocking bit of the conversation, for me?

Was finding out her ex — who I’d known — had been arrested on some serious charges.

Very serious charges.

I was shocked: but not necessarily surprised.

While I got on with the man — he was pleasant enough to me, when we worked at KFC —, early on, there were warning signs: a borderline iffy age gap, some bad tempered moments.

So finding out what happened?   Like I say, I was shocked, but not surprised.

And, by the sounds of what I’ve been told … ?

His arrest has come at a good time.

Before the pairs daughter was harmed … 


Monday, 28 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th March, 2022

28th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s official.

I’m hungry … !

It’s first thing on a Monday morning, and I’m hungry.

Mostly … ?

Because of blood tests.

I’ve got to have some diabetes related blood tests, this morning: and, of course, I have to fast!

I hate that: I’m way too fond of toast!


OK … 

This year’s Oscars have finished.

And we have to give Will Smith credit for more headlines than a Best Actor winner usually does.

The thing that caught my attention, though?

Was AppleTV+ film, CODA*, winning this year’s Best Film gong: the first film distributed by a streaming service to wining the Best Picture award.

That’s going to give Apple — and the streaming section of the industry — one hell of a boost†.


On top of all that … ?

We’ve had nice sunny weather for the past few days.

Apart from this morning.

It’s foggy … 


Sunday, 27 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th March, 2022

27th March, 2022.

It’s Sunday, 27th March.

You’d possibly worked that out, by looking at the calendar.

Here in the UK … ?

The clock’s went forward, over night.

I hate that when that happens: I always end up vaguely jet lagged.

But, this time around … ?

I can tell you I’ve finished my written and video reviews of Kobayashi Maru: the first episode of Star Trek Discovery’s fourth series.

Just as a question … ?

Have I overdone the post Scripts … ?


Saturday, 26 March 2022

Star Trek Discovery — Series 4 Episode 1 — Kobayashi Maru — A Review

25th March, 2022.

Right … my dinner is almost ready to be eaten: or, at least, be shoved on a plate.

Then eaten.

After that … ?

I’ll be washing up: then doing what I’ve been saying I should do for a couple of weeks, now.

Catching up with season four of Star Trek Discovery.

This reviews up, tomorrow: hopefully, I’ll see you then.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th March, 2022

26th March, 2022.

It’s officially Saturday: a day when I’m not expecting any incoming phone calls.

Which is possibly a good thing.

It’s also a day when I’ve got to go to town at least one more time: to pick up some medication.

The one upside to all this?

Is that it’s nice and sunny: I’d get some air to my skin.


Friday, 25 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-3-2022: Patrick Troughton

25th March, 2022.

Right … 

Restart it is, then … 

I’m unemployed, so you know: and claiming various benefits.

And trying to claim others.

I’m also on what’s called the Restart Program: a Job Centre mandated programme designed to help me find work.

My next meeting, by phone … ?

Is at 9:45 GMT: today.

Heigh ho: let’s go.

To quote the Ramones.


At any rate … ?

I had Jude over, last night.

Yep: there’s MORE videos.   Try finding Among Us memes when a fussy eleven year old asks you to!


Thursday, 24 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th March, 2022

24th March, 2022.

It’s going to be busy, today: you’ve possibly worked that out, by watching the video.

Shopping, more bills, possibly a haircut … 

No, forget the haircut, I don’t know that I can afford it.

But … shopping, my nephew, more bills, a weight loss meeting.

And filling in my surgery’s online eConsult form at Eight.

I missed another appointment.

OK, I’ve booked up the nearest available alternative: and made sure they know to phone in the afternoon!

But using the online form could get me one quicker.


Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-3-2022: World Meteorological Day

23rd March, 2022.

It’s officially Wednesday!   It’s officially the middle of the week.


And it’s also both payday — involving a lot of frantic running around, paying bills — and a day I’ve got a GP’s appointment.

With my doctor: obviously.

By phone.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to discuss a few things.

There’s one or two things that need to be addressed.

In the short time we have available.


Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd March, 2022

22nd March, 2022.

Right … it’s now, officially, Tuesday.

Which means I have a meeting with my Job Centre case worker*.

Given the extra benefits I’ve applied for … ?

I’ve got a question or two for her.

Here’s hoping I can gets some answers.


Oh, so you know … ?

My nephew, Jude, has done another video.

An hour’s long one!



Monday, 21 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-3-2022: Namibia

21st March, 2022.

Right … It’s officially Monday: and the start of a whole new, and exciting, week.

One that’s going to involve an innovative, creative, use of time: and a lot of spendable cash.


Who am I trying to kid!

It’s going to be more of the same.

You can possibly tell I’m not expecting much.

I do know I’ve got my nephew, over, this afternoon: which should be fun.

And possibly involve a video: you can tell, can’t you … ?


Sunday, 20 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-3-2022: Spike Lee

20th March, 2022.

It has to be said: it’s officially Sunday.

And, me being me … ?

I’ve got Radio Four’s Sunday Service on.

Or off, to be honest.

As much as I love having the radio on at this time of day … ?

Sometimes, the silence is golden.


At any rate … ?

At any rate, I managed to catch the last episode of classic Doctor Who series, Galaxy Four, on Friday: and finished my review, last night.

Feel free to hit Like, Share and subscribe … !


Saturday, 19 March 2022

Doctor Who — Galaxy Four — Episode 4 - The Exploding Planet: A Review

18th March, 2022.

Right at the moment … ?   It’s a Friday: early evening on a Friday.

I’ve got Mr Oizo’s Flat Beat on, in the background.

Which is as hypnotic as it ever was.

At any rate … ?

It’s a Friday night.


I’m going to watch the last episode of classic Doctor Who story, Galaxy Four: The Exploding Planet.

Once Swamp Thing finished playing!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-3-2022: Bruce Willis

19th March, 2022.

Right … 

I had a phone call, yesterday.

Some time back, I put for extra help demo the Job Centre: for various extra benefits.

I had the assessment, late last year.

I’m still hoping to get them.


I got turned for them on the 16th.

So … ?   I requested a mandatory reconsideration: the first stage in an appeal against the decision.

On the 17th.

I got the official phonecall — and a chance to offer extra evidence — yesterday.

That’s something I did with a certain amount of nervousness.

After all, I don’t know how much help it’s going to be: I’m fully expecting a second turndown, at some point.

We’ll have to see.


Friday, 18 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th March, 2022

18th March, 2022.

Right … 

You’re possibly aware I’ve put in for extra financial help.

And finally had a decision, on Wednesday.

I had my claim, rejected.

I’ve finally managed to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration, yesterday: starting the early stages of an appeal.

I should hear about that by 18:00, tonight.


The letter I’ve done, that highlights extra information, will be useful.


Oh, JUST so you know … ?

My nephew, Jude, was over yesterday.

Yes: you’re right.

He has done another video.

He was rather impressed with that vague Max Headroom effect: around the eighteen second mark.

I can’t think who suggested that to him!


Just as a final thought … ?

I’ve got the Today programme on in the background.

Happily telling us President Biden will be talking to President Xi of China, later.

The President will be trying to persuade the other President not to supply financial or military aid to Russia.

I have to admit, I’ve got a line from Orwell floating through my head.
“Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
1984, George Orwell.
Saying that … ?   Another quote from the novel — from the in-universe book that Winston reads — seems relevant.
“The primary aim of modern warfare … is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living.”
1984, George Orwell.
Given the state of the economy?

That wasn’t just relevant: but very relevant!


Thursday, 17 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th March, 2022

17th March 2022.

Right … I’d put in for extra financial help.

You’d possibly worked that out, hadn’t you … ?

Tuesday?   I was due a phone call: to double check on details.

A call that finally took place, yesterday.

The decision finally turned up, last night.

It went against me.


I’m starting off the appeals process: with what’s call a Mandatory Reconsideration.

Will it work?

I don’t know.

After all, the Wikipedia entry tells us the success rate for Personal Independence Payments is fifteen percent.

But … ?

I think that — however hard this may be? — it’s worth attempting.


Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-3-2022: The FA Cup

16th March, 2022.

Right … 

I was due a phone call, yesterday: from a representative of the Job Centre, to “discuss my health journey on Universal Credit.”

Job Centre: or Department of Work and Pensions.   I’m not sure which runs the body that’s supposed to call.

Notice I say due.

The call never happened.

Oh, at least, I didn’t get the call while I was in: I did a little shopping, yesterday, and half expected it to come then.

I got home, and was in for the rest of the day.

So the Service Centre’s representative had a long time to make contact.

Just like my Work Coach, my Job Centre case worker: who phoned exactly when she was due to.

The rep?   Didn’t call while I was in.

It was frustrating enough that I phoned the DWP’s enquiry line*, to see what was happening.

At roughly 16:30.

What the Enquiries chap did?

Firstly, was to check my details and ask the inevitable security questions.

Secondly, was confirm my my landline.

Which I repeated a couple of times, so he could be sure of the number.

He was then able to tell me that they’d apparently called: and left a message on my answer phone service.

I’ve got issues, here.

Granted, I may have missed the call, when I went shopping: or they may have phoned when I was on the phone with my work coach or the Enquiries line.   The Enquiries chap also told me they could have dialled the wrong number.

It didn’t occur to me to ask Enquiries when they phoned: which could’ve been useful to know.

But … ?

He told me they left a message.

One problem with that?   I have a pay-as-you-go landline: I only pay for the calls I make, and nothing else.

I don’t pay for the answerphone service: as I can’t afford it.

So?   The Service Department may have left a message: but it’s not one I’m going to receive, or be able to access.

Another?   They didn’t leave a parallel message on my online, Job Centre, journal: which is how they let me know they’d be calling†.

That is sometimes the best way for the Job Centre to contact me.

My only course of action?

Was to do what I did.

Tell the Enquiries people I couldn’t and didn’t get the message, make sure they know what my landline number is, and make sure this was logged on the system, and — ha! — flagged up for the Service Centre.

And repeat all this to my Work Coach: so she could do the same, if possible.

And — ye gods! — make sure this was logged in my online, DWP/Job Centre journal.

I guess it’s now wait and see.


Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th March, 2022

15th March, 2022.


I’ve got to admit, today’s the first day — for a while — that I’ve had a chance to go shopping.

I think I need to do goulash: so I’m going to need mushrooms, at least.


Oh … 

I got back unscathed from yesterday’s Restart meeting: after I got there, late.

Before it or not?   A freight train got stuck between Chelmsford and Hatfield Peveral.

At any rate … ?

My case worker’s suggested a couple of forty week courses: in IT and Business administration.

We’ll have to see what happens, there.

The possible venues are quite some distance away: and there’s a distinct possibly some of the software may be Windows only.

Even though I’d get the course for free?

I suspect there may be out-of-pocket expenses I can’t afford.


Monday, 14 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th March, 2022.

14th March, 2022.

Right: it’s a Monday.

And, frankly?

I’ve got to be in Chelmsford for a face to face meeting with my Restart adviser.

I’m … well, let’s put it this way, I have mixed feelings about these schemes.

I find them unhelpful.

Granted, it gets me out of the flat: but for very little purpose.

Beyond complaining about one application, a few weeks ago.

We’ll have to see how the day goes.


I’ve possibly mention I’m a Mac fan, haven’t I … ?

So I was fascinated to see the new Mac Studio: that the company releases on Friday.

I even watched the relevant part of the Peek Preview event, yesterday.

About the only thing I have concerns about is the fans on the thing

From what I saw of the event, the Studio is a completely enclosed unit: that can’t — unlike the 2007 Mac mini I had — be opened up.

I found that useful on the mini: so long as you were careful, it was a very good way of cleaning out dust.

You don’t seem to be able to do the same, on the Studio: it doesn’t seem to be as accessible.

That could be a bad thing.


Sunday, 13 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th March, 2022.

13th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s Sunday.

And, frankly?

I’m expecting it to be quiet.

Apart from dinner with my family, tonight.

Anything involving my nephew’s going to be a little noisy!


Oh, before I forget … ?   And my entire world collapses around my feet?

I caught another episode of Galaxy Four, on Friday: Airlock.

Which set Steven (Peter Purves) trapped in … AN AIRLOCK … !

Like you hadn’t guessed.

At any rate?

The written review’s here.

The video version down here …


Saturday, 12 March 2022

Doctor Who — Galaxy Four — Episode 3 - Airlock: A Review

11th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s Friday!

It’s officially a Friday.   Which means a few things.

I’ve got back from my weight management meeting, this afternoon: it went well enough.

I’m cooking dinner.   Fish and chips, if you must know.

And, as a final thought … 

I’m going to be doing what I’ve gone for the past couple of weeks: watching another episode of the Classic Doctor Who story, Galaxy Four.

I should have that written and video review up, late tomorrow night: if not earlier.

Catch you later.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-3-2022: Mauritius

12th January, 2022.

Right … 

It’s now officially Saturday.

Which means I’ll possibly doing a lot of things: including a little light shopping.

Nothing exciting, in other words.

I will be finishing up my review of the third episode of Galaxy Four, tonight.

I hope you’re enjoying them!


Just in case you’re following the war … ?   And I’m willing to bet you know perfectly well which war I’m talking about … but … 

Just in case you’re following the war, you’re possibly — like me — following the technology news around it.

Instagram’s been blocked in Russia, for example.

The BBC’s launched dark web versions of its news pages: in Russia, Ukrainian and English*.

And … ?   A Norwegian IT chap’s set up a website that lets you send emails about the war to up to one hundred and fifty Russian emails addresses.

I wish the BBC had given the web address: that sounds like a simple way of making a contribution.


Just as a final thought for Terry Pratchett fans reading this … ?

I’ve just tweeted this, on the anniversary of his death:

Feel free to retweet it.


Friday, 11 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th March, 2022.

11th March, 2022.

I’ve just had another look out side my window.

The weather?   Looks half way decent.

Which is a good thing: assuming it stays nice.

I’m on two weight management programmes, at the moment.

One — Thursday’s — is via Zoom meeting.

The other, on Friday’s, restarts (again!) today.

Nice weather would be handy: as it’s quite a walk to the venue where it’s held.


I’m not a football fan: but am following the news about the Ukraine.

I’m very aware that Roman Abramovich, the Russian owner of Chelsea FC, has been sanctioned by the British government.

Which is understandable, given the circumstances.

Personally?   I have to admit, I don’t like sanctions: the ones we’re imposing on Russias or Russia, and the ones being imposed on us, by Russia.

I think they’re too heavy-handed, affecting people in no way connected to the conflict.

That’s especially true in the case of the Abramovich sanctions.

If I’ve understood it, correctly?   The club can play its remaining fixtures, but cannot sell tickets or merchandise.

There’s talk the club may go bust.

As I’ve already said, I can understand why the British government has done this.

But, when Abramovich was making visible, public, efforts to try and sell the club?

I can also criticise their timing.

Giving Abramovich an extra week or two, a bit more time to at least start the sale process?

Giving him extra time to do that makes sense.


Talking of football?

Did I mention a video game called Rocket League?

It’s basically football … for trucks, cars and lorries.

Yes, before you ask: my nephew, Jude’s, done another video about it.

Complete with a lot of double taps.

Feel free to subscribe.


Thursday, 10 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th March, 2022

10th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s Thursday, again.

Which means, of course, I’m at my Thursday weight loss Zoom meeting.

I think it — and the Friday one, which is due to restart, tomorrow — are possibly helping: I’m down a few ounces.

Saying that … ?   I’ve re-booked an appointment with my GP: for towards the End of the month.

To talk over a potential referral to use various weight loss injections.

We’ll have to see what happens.


The Ukraine* is … concerning … isn’t it … ?

There’s talk, today, that Russia may be ablaut to use chemical or biological weapons in the conflict.

There’s talk — from Poland — of donating jets to Ukraine: via US military bases in Germany.

There’s concerns about Russian forces occupying nuclear power stations in the Ukraine.

There’s discussion of what happen, were NATO forces attacked by Russia.

There’s worrying news that some soldiers from the UK army have got Absent Without Leave: presumably, to join the Ukrainian International Legion.

That could be bad.

British troop on the ground, however voluntarily, however unofficially?

Could risk Russia declaring war on NATO.

I’d rather they didn’t.   Things are bad enough, as it is.


Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th March, 2022.

9th March, 2022

It’s official: I want one.

Oh, at least, I’d like one!


You’re possibly aware I’m a bit of a Mac fan: I’m writing this on a 2017 21.5” iMac.

I’ve had a series of Macs since I got my first, a G4 PowerMac, back in the day.

So?   I tend to follow Apple’s product announcements with a certain amount of interest.

They made several, yesterday: a few new iPhones, a new iPad … 

And the new Mac Studio, along side a matching Studio Display: designed with the Studio in mind.

I’m impressed: by both.

But then, I usually am.

From what I can see … ?

Looking something like a chunky version of Apple’s Mac mini, and doing by the details Apple have released?

The Studio seems seems to have quite a bit of hardcore video rendering power for it’s size: it seems to be a  replacement for the iMacPro, rather than an alternative for the Mac Pro tower.

The latter, if I’ve understood it, is still incredibly powerful: even given it’s using the older Intel processors.

Given that?   I’m assuming it’s aimed at design studios, and the likes of professional YouTube broadcasters — Linus Media Group’s various offerings would be a good example, as would WhatCulture — that need to edit and render content, quickly.

It’s possibly a bit too over-powered for my needs: and doesn’t have a built in mic, something I’d need.

Bar that, it does have plenty of connectivity: four thunderbolt four, two USB 3 (Type A), ethernet and an HDMI socket on the back.

The base model has two USB C ports and an SD slot on the front: the M1 Ultra version replaces the USB C ports with a pair of Thunderbolt 4 ports.

For me?   It’s mic-less over kill.

But … ?

It’s very impressive mic-less over kill.
