26th September, 2018.
Hmmm …
I think I’m having a bad few days.
I’ve found out my shifts, next week: and I’ve got one.
Between you and me?
I’m not happy.
And will probably seeking advice.
I’ve certainly sent my agency a word, I’ve sent round the usual email to see if co workers need Shifts covered*, I’ve had a conversation with serious management …
And I’m seriously thinking of a word with the Job Centre, the Citizen’s Advise Bureau, and ACAS.
If readers could send encouraging thoughts, I’d be thankful.
There’s upsides to the time off.
For starters, I’ve been able to at least talk to people about the work situation.
But have also managed to update my iMac.
So far … ?
I’m not totally convinced by the new Finder layout …
The side bar on the right hand side’s seems useless, but that’s after one day’s use.
Dark Mode’s a bit odd.
But the speed everything’s operating at … ?
Is noticeably improved.
I think that’s the 64-bit features, I think.
Oh, and the sand dune, dynamic wallpaper?
Slowly switches from a day or night view, depending on the time of day.
I’m actually looking forward to this.
Let’s move on, shall we?
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) The first US Secretary of State was appointed on 26th September, 1789. Who was that first Secretary?
Q2) During the US presidential election of 1960, John F. Kennedy had a TV debate with his Republican rival: on 26th September, 1960. Who was that rival?
Q3) Fatimid leader, Al-Mu’izz li-Din Allah, was born on 26th September, 932. As Fatimid leader, what would have been his title: Emir, Shah or Caliph?
Q4) Olivia Newton-John was born on 26th September, 1948. Who did she co-star with, in Grease?
Q5) Finally … composer, Béla Bartók, died on 26th September, 1945. Which modern country was he born in?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th September is the feast day of Lancelot Andrewes. He’s celebrated on the 25th, by whom: the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England or the Ethiopian Orthodox Church?
Q2) 25th September, 1957, saw nine African American children escorted to school by troops. In which Arkansas town?A2) Little Rock.
Q3) 25th September, 1513, saw a force led by Vasco Núñez de Balboa become the first Europeans to sight the Pacific Ocean. They were on the coast of which country, at the time?A3) Panama.
Q4) The US congress named the Sequoia National Park as a national park: on 25th September, 1890. The park has a lot of trees of one particular species. Which species?
Q5) Finally … Belize joined the United Nations: on 25th September, 1981. It’s where: North America, Central America or South America?
Here’s a thought …
“A lot of people see it as a fight, and wherever you choose to see it, that’s your prerogative. I see it as part of my mission.”
Olivia Newton John, born 26th September, 1948, speaking to the BBC about a third Cancer diagnosis.
And a song …
Have a good day.
* It’s getting to the point where I resent having to beg.
† It’s the least of my frustrations, this morning: but it IS annoying! I could do several things, Olga. Once I’ve done everything else!
‡ Patience! I should coco, Debbi! (I’ve now got this image of you in robes and waving a lightsaber …)
Q1) Thomas Jefferson
Q2) Richard M. Nixon (or Dirty Dick, as one of my professors at Sussex, was fond of reminding us any time he came up)
Q3) A Caliph
Q4) John Travolta
Q5) Hungary
Sending positive thoughts your way on the job front. Do take care and good luck.
Heavens! That's quite an image. :)
I wouldn't mind trying out the Millennium Falcon. That would be quite a ride.
1. Thomas Jefferson
2. Richard Nixon
3. Caliph
4. John Travolta
5. Hungary
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