Thursday, 30 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-6-2022: It Took Seconds

30th June, 2022.

Yes: it’s early!

At least, early for me.

I’m in a weight management group — you need to be, if you’re built like me! — and the next meeting?

Is this morning, at ten.

Given I’d finished a review — video and written — late, last night … ?

I’m looking forward to going back to bed!


Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Stranger Things — Series 4 Chapter 1 — The Hellfire Club — A Review

28th June, 2022.

Tuesday’s are unusual.

Or possibly usual.

Or possibly somewhere in between.

At any rate, and unusually for me?

I’ve got time to start watching another TV series: and will be watching The Hellfire Club, the first episode of Stranger Things’ fourth series.

Those of you who read my film and TV reviews will know I’m doing my usual thing.

I’m starting this review on the night I’m watching the episode: and will be finishing it off, tomorrow night.

Once I’ve had dinner!

Now, if you’ll excuse me?

I’ve got to put vegetables on!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th June, 2022

29th June, 2022.

Right … about the washing machine … 

I went into the shop I got it from, yesterday.

Complete with the details of my washing machine, and as much info as I could muster.

And managed to get a copy of the all-important receipt, and the model number.

According to the shop — Mackfields, at Brentwood High Street — I needed to phone Hotpoint: the machines manufacturers.

Which I did, yesterday afternoon.

By mobile, as I was in town: the signal’s better, and it’s cheaper than my landline.

They were happy to arrange for an engineer: after explaining the circumstances under which I might be charged.

To cut a long story, short*?

Their engineer’s coming on Friday.

Hopefully?   I’ll dodge any fee!


While I’m waving videos about?

I’ve done another unboxing video … 

Feel free to leave me a like and comment!


Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-6-2022 — Ukraine

28th June, 2022.

Right … I’ve been into the shop.



You possibly wondering what I’m talking about, aren’t you … ?

My washing machine’s failed.

And, as far as I can tell, it’s still under warranty.

So … ?

I went into the shop, to ask about repairs.

I’ve got to go back, this afternoon: with the relevant details.

And will see what I can see.


Monday, 27 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-6-2022 — Petya

27th June, 2022.

Ladies And gentlemen … I have an official issue!

Yes: my washing machine has broken down!

Or, at least, isn’t switching on.

Which is awkward.

I’ve changed the fuse on the wall switch: 

I’m planning on heading into the shop where I got it, today.


I’ll still be under warranty, and can get the thing repaired.

If not … ?

I can only hope I win the lottery: or can get an emergency loan from the Benefits office.


Sunday, 26 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th June, 2022.

26th June, 2022.

Yes: I’ve had a late night, last night.

I was up, reviewing the first episode of Star Trek Picard’s second series.

It has to be said, The Star Gazer is an impressive first episode.

Especially when the villain turns up.


Saturday, 25 June 2022

Star Trek Picard — Series 2 Episode 1 — The Star Gazer — A Review

24th June, 2022.

Right … it’s officially a Friday night: and I’m feeling vaguely stressed.

Tonight’s intro video … ?   Took a few goes to do.


It seems iMovie really doesn’t like — or recognise! — photos in the .webp format!

Converting the damn image so it would;
  • Fit.
  • Work.
  • Not make me scream in frustration!
Took a while!

At any rate … ?

It’s Friday night.

And I’m continuing something of a tradition.

The past few weeks have seen me watching Star Trek Discovery’s fourth season.

And enjoying it.

Tonight?   Now my stress level’s are down?

I’m going to have dinner … 

And watch The Star Gazer, episode one of Star Trek Picard’s second season.

This post will go live, tomorrow: I’ll tell you all about it, then.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-6-2022 — Slovenia

25th June, 2022.

It’s 8-30 on a Saturday morning.

And, as I say in today’s intro video … ?

That means there’s going to be a Saturday night at some point.


Is going to be spent writing about the first episode of Star Trek Picard, series two.

It’s looking good.


Friday, 24 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-6-2022: UFO You Way, I’ll FO Mine.

24th June, 2022.

Right … 

I’ve had my kitchen sink checked by a plumber.

One sent by my landlords.

That’s an upside to renting: you don’t own your property, but don’t have to pay for much in the way of repairs.

He’s managed to confirm that the blockage causing the problem is no more.

I’m grateful.

However, if I need further non-emergency repairs?

Well … 

I — and a good chunk of my neighbours, the ones who rent from Clarion Housing — have all had an email from our landlord.

One reinforced by a message on their website.

They’ve told us “We are currently experiencing IT system issues, which means some of our emails, IT systems and phone lines are not working as normal.”

They tell us “This disruption has been caused by a cyber security incident.”

That “… we are working urgently with our cyber security partner to restore our systems as soon as we can.”

They’re asking residents to not contact them by phone, unless it’s for emergency repairs, and that payment systems are working normally … although it may take a while for balances to be updated … 

Right sounds about right.

Frankly, I’m wondering what’s happening.

I think — given it seems to be common, these days — that Clarion’s been hit by some form of ransomware.

From the little I know, usually, an unsuspecting member — or members — of staff get sent a dodgy email with an attachment that infects their machine: then spreads to other machines on the same network.

And, before you know it?   The network’s down.

I’m … 

I’m not sure how I feel about this situation.

But?   I’m deeply concerned that I and my neighbours being affected by this.

And grateful I’m not immediately affected.

That could so easily change if I need something fixed.


Thursday, 23 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd June, 2022

23rd June, 2022.

Yes: it’s Thursday.

Busy Day, Pt 2,  in other words.

Yesterday?   I was due a locksmith: who eventually turned up a lot earlier than I was expecting.

Which was unexpected: but nice.

Going by what the locksmith told me?

The rack of letterboxes are no longer made.

So replacing the things would be difficult.


Today, on the other hand?

I’ve got a plumber coming down: in theory, to unblock the drain of my kitchen sink.

Which?   Doesn’t actually seem to be blocked: but was getting upsurging waste water, a couple of weeks ago.

In May.

Upsurging water, with suspicious brown bits, in May.

Today’s the earliest they could send someone out.

You couldn’t make it up, could you?


One thing I know isn’t made up?

Is this news piece from The Register: a piece that tells us Microsoft is blocking access the site that lets customers in Russia download copies of Windows.

After stopping sales of the operating system in the country, in March.

I’m assuming that’s a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

I think that’s going to have consequences.

It’ll hit Microsoft’s sales.

Another possible consequence?   ReactOS — an open source clone of Windows — has long been trying to interest the Russian government.

Russia might — might — start looking at that, again: as a possible replacement for Windows*.

Rolling a new operating system out, over a whole country, could be difficult.

It’s not just home users like you or me that would need to replace our systems: it’s all those government departments, as well.

At any rate?   If Microsoft’s blockade goes on for any length of time?

Russia may might have to look at large scale alternatives!


Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-6-2022 — Windrush

22nd June, 2022.

Right … it’s Wednesday: and the day before pay day.

I hate the day before pay day: it’s a wait, before you can pay your bills.

It’s also the day before I’m due a visit from a plumber: just to double check on my sink.

Today … ?

Is also the day I’m expecting a repairman from my landlords: to try and fix the door on my letterbox.

AND doing a Zoom course arranged by the Restart programme I’m on.

All that, and go into town to get stuff.

Do you get the feeling I’m going to be busy?


Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st June, 2022.

21st June, 2022.

It’s official: today is the longest day of the year.

Google tells me that sunset will be at 10.13, here in the UK.

Which is nice.

As ever?   Many have gone to watch the sunrise, at Stonehenge.

Which is nice.

It might be nice to see it in person.

Assuming the tribal drumming doesn’t give me a headache!


Monday, 20 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-6-2022 — John Goodman

20th June, 2022.

Right: it’s Monday out there.

And?   It’s looking sunny, as well.

Which means having a stroll, later, will be pleasant.

Saying that?

I’ve got my nephew Jude, this afternoon: I think opening a window could be good!


Sunday, 19 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-6-2022 — World Sickle Cell Day

19th June, 2022.

I have to admit: I had a comparatively late night, last night.

Late for me, at any rate.

I was finishing up my of Coming Home: the last episode of Star Trek Discovery’s fourth season.

It took a while.


It meant I was up late enough to catch the monsoon style storm that hit.


Saturday, 18 June 2022

Star Trek Discovery — Series 4 Episode 13 — Coming Home — A Review.

17th June, 2022.

Right … It’s Friday.


I’ve just turned my oven down: I’d rather dinner didn’t burn.

I’m writing this opening introduction to this piece: whilst doing dinner.

Once I’ve eaten it?

Yep: I’m going to be watching Coming Home: the last episode of this particular series of Star Trek Discovery.

I’ll be back tomorrow night: to let you know what I thought.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-6-2022 — Doing A Delia

18th June, 2022.

It’s got to be said … it’s summer!

You could tell that, yesterday.

Temperatures in Brentwood?   Hit the low thirties.

OK, that’s possibly not as hot as Barcelona: I’m told it hit ~40°C, yesterday.

Thankfully?   It’s supposed to be cooler, today: 23°C, with a possibility of rain.

I hope so: the heat, yesterday, was a bit much.


Friday, 17 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th June, 2022

17th June, 2022.

Right … it’s Friday: and … ?

Well, I’ve managed to post off the forms I need for the appeal.


Frankly cost a fortune.

At least, a fortune on my money.

I’ll probably also need to have a word with my GP: and ask her to do me a letter about the appeal.

Here’s hoping the thing goes through as fast as possible.


Oh, my nephew, Jude, was over, yesterday.

Apparently?   Some of his friends have seen my Marmite unboxing video: and think it’s really strange.

So long as I get a few extra views, I’m not complaining!

Yes: he also managed to make another video: this time, about a recent game of foot pool, at Centre Parcs.

Feel free to hit like, and share!


If you’re a pensioner in the UK, you’ve got problems: but you knew that, any way.

According to a BBC report, today?

It seems that the computer systems running the UK’s state pension system?

Have been over and under payment pensioners: by about a penny or two a week.

Since the 1990s.

The 1990s!

What’s possibly going to make that worse?

Is that the Department of Work and Pensions, the department that relies on and runs the system?

Knew about this.   And decided it would be to complicated to fix … in 2002.

Assuming the system’s underpaid a pension by a penny a week?

That’s fifty-two pence a year.

And £10·40p since 2002.

Spread over several thousand pensioners, that’s a lot of money.

I’ve got to ask: if the DWP’s computer systems are doing this to pensions … what the hell are the doing to other benefits?


Thursday, 16 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th June, 2022.

16th June, 2022.

I love emails.

Well, that’s possibly too strong a way of putting it.

They’re something I find handy.

So, waking up this morning: and opening my email client to find it wasn’t downloading them?

Was a bit annoying!

A quick check with Downdetector shows there’s been issues, there.

I imagine we’ll never find out what happened, there: but I’d love to find out.


Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th June, 2022

15th June, 2022.

Yes: it’s Wednesday.

Which means … ?
  • I’m going to have to send in my appeal form by post: I couldn’t do it online, as the website was having problems!
  • I’m off to Chelmsford, today: my Restart worker has booked me a place at a Job Fair!
Whether those help … ?

I don’t know.


If you’re in the UK … ?

You’ll know that many of us — usually on various benefits — are due extra help: in the form of a $650 payment in two lump sums, and £400 on our fuel bills.

According to this piece from the BBC?

The first payment — of £326 — should hit banks accounts from 14th July.

I hope so: it would come in handy!


Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Spider-Man: No Way Home — A Review

13th June, 2022.

Right, I’ve a confession to make.

When I recorded that intro video, and started writing this post … ?

I had no idea what I was going to watch.

I had a couple of films in mind: but settled on nothing.

Until I looked over what I had in my collection.

You can possibly tell what I went for, can’t you?

Yes: I watched Spider-Man: No Way Home.

I’ve seen a very impressive film.

I’m going to tell you more, tomorrow night.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-6-2022 — World Blood Donor Day

14th June, 2022.

Right … finally I think I have a direction to go in.

You’ll remember I’m trying to get extra financial help: and had the Mandatory Reconsideration — after a Work Capacity Assessment — turned down.

I’m trying to find out how to appeal that: at a tribunal.

After a phone call, yesterday?   And, as it turns out, reading the wrong bit of a letter?!

It seems I have to apply online.

It looks like I’m going to be staring at a screen, today!


Which I sort of figured out.

I know for a fact I’m getting my next call from the Job Centre, today: at 10:30.

We’ll have to see what my case worker says about the appeal.


It seems Google have software.

We all knew that, didn’t we?

More specifically?   They’re the company behind the Language Model for Dialogue Applications, or LAMDA.

It’s supposed to be able to hold conversations: much better ones than Siri or Alexa.

Yesterday, news broke.

According to Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, the thing’s sentient.

Self aware, in other words.

Alive, if want to put it that way.

I honestly couldn’t tell you if it is, or isn’t.

But if it is?   Alive, self aware, capable of interacting with the world, and with people?

Then there’s an old line from William Gibson’s Neuromancer that springs to mind*.

“… it ain’t no way human …”


Monday, 13 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-6-2022 — The Yukon

13th June, 2022.

It’s a Monday … and the start of a whole shiny new week.

He says, with a certain amount of cynicism.

It’s a Monday where I’m expecting a couple of phone calls.

One from my Restart case worker: which reminds me, I need to email her as well.

The other call?   Is from the people handling my Work Capacity appeal.

Hopefully, they’ll be quick!


Sunday, 12 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th June, 2022.

12th June, 2022.

Right … it’s official.

Petrol theft’s going up.   Petrol theft from garage forecourts.

At least, going by this piece.

I’m assuming the companies that run petrol stations are going to start complaining about that.

But … ?

Given the raining cost of fuel, I’m not surprised it’s happening.

I’m also thinking of a Terry Pratchett character: Lord Vetinari, Patrician of Ankh Morpork.

In one of the novels, Sir Terry gives us a bit of insight into the Patrician.

Before Vetinari gets the job, Ankh Morpork was suffering with a huge infestation of rats.

And offered a bounty to anyone who caught a rat: amateur and professional alike.   They just had to bring in the rat tails to claim the bounty.

The city immediately started handing out a suspicious high number of bounties.

Vetinari, when he was appointed, came up with a solution: in a line that tells you a lot about the city and the character.

“Tax the rat farms.”

OK … 

I know forecourt economics are complex: involving taxes, profit margins, a lot of hedging, and lord knows what else.

But I can’t help but think petrol station companies have a (relatively) simple solution … lowering prices.

Granted, that’s going to cause problems: especially when staff don’t get paid.


Well … 

Lowering prices, introducing a price cap or taxing the rat farms, seems a temptingly easy answer.


Just in case your following my Star Trek Discovery reviews?

I caught the penultimate episode on Friday: and released my written and video reviews, last night.

Enjoy them.


Saturday, 11 June 2022

Star Trek Discovery — Series 4 Episode 12 — Species Ten-C — A Review

10th June, 2022.

Right … I’m feeling slightly pressured.

As … ?

Dinner’s almost ready!

Yes: it’s Friday night, again: and?   I’m going to be watching the next episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

Is it’s on a par with last week’s?

I’ll let you know, later!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th June, 2022

11th June, 2022.

I have a weird class of dreams, sometimes.

Or possibly a dreamy class of weirdness … 

At any rate, I dream: we all do.

And, like most of us, don’t necessarily remember the in the morning.

Occasionally, I do.

I did, last night.

I dreamt I was trying to hold my front door shut, against someone trying to get into my flat: whilst yelling “Get out, get out, get out!”

Only to wake up at one-thirty in the morning, yelling “Get out, get out, get out!”, whilst rattling the bedstead.

I’m tempted to say I have no idea what’s going on.

I’m also thinking that the last dream I remember having — someone who looked vaguely like Mitch Pileggi was trying to climb into my back window — was about my flat getting invaded.

I think the rough sleeper I had back in 2020?

Has left a few mental scars.


Friday, 10 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th June 2022.

10th June, 2022.

I put in for extra help, a few months ago.

And had to put in for what’s called a mandatory reconsideration, when I initially got turned down.

I’ve had the results from that: last night.

The reconsideration hasn’t gone my way.

I’ve a number of options: but think I should appeal/

Which is going to involve an intimidating visit to a magistrates.

That’s an unnerving thought … 


Hmmm … 

Yesterday saw the government announce it was planning changes to the UK’s benefit system.

Partly?   To allow those who rent from housing associations to buy their homes.

But also to allow those on benefits to use the housing component of their Universal Credit to pay for a mortgage: and not just the interest payments on a mortgage.

I’m … not convinced.

Yes: I’d love to own my own home.


Even with the discount a Right to Buy Scheme allows, I’d never be able to afford buy my own home.

Nor the inevitable maintenance costs.

On top of that?

I know that — when Margaret Thatcher’s government did something similar back in the 1980s — they allowed local councils to spend the money they made from housing sales on what they wanted.

Rather than on replacement housing stock.


I think the same thing could easily happen, here.

Selling off the stock … and not replacing it …


Thursday, 9 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th June, 2022

9th June, 2022.

Did I mention I like Marmite?

I like Marmite.   I usually find it economical to but big tubs of the stuff on Amazon.

You can’t get the tubs in the shops.

When the delivery turned up yesterday?   I thought that — given Jude’s posted a successful reaction video — I’d try my hand at something that’s getting equally as successful.

If I can persuade someone to react to it?

I’d be a happy bunny!


Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th June, 2022.

8th June, 2022.

Yes: today’s the day I get a phone call from my physiotherapist … and have a hygienist appointment.

And it’s rainy … or, at least, it’s been raining, and is threatening drizzle: at the very least.

Which means just one thing.

I’m going to be wearing a hat!


Oh, before I forget … ?

Can we get my nephew’s latest masterpiece a million views?

He’s feeling ambitious … so made a really short video … 

If it’s any help?   It’s really short … !


Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th June, 2022

7th June, 2022.

Right … for once, it’s sunny enough to go out … without getting wet!

We have a sunny day, out: which means I can get a few bits and bobs, without getting damp.

Which is definitely nice.

Especially?   As the next couple of days are going to be busy!

Hygeniest, physios and phoning my GP: after recent ultrasounds and x-rays.

The hygienist and physic won’t be too bad.   But test results?

Well … they’re always nerve wracking, aren’t they?


I have to admit, I’m watching — but not reviewing — the first series of The Book of Boba Fett: and caught an episode, last night.

The Return of The Mandalorian.

It’s a good, watchable, episode.

But, given it focuses on the main character of The Mandalorian?   It should have been in that series: not The Book of Boba Fett!

The only bit of the episode that needed to be in the Temuera Morrison led show, was the last five minutes!


Monday, 6 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th June, 2022.

6th June, 2022.

It’s Monday: and the day after the Jubilee celebrations.

A day to start new things.

To do stuff!   Shop!   Run up and down the High Street in a mankini!   Have a Vote of No Confidence!

And … ?

And, frankly, to moan about the fact it’s raining out!



Talking of votes?

Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, is facing a Vote of Confidence, this evening.

I’m hoping that — if he loses that vote — he’s face a leadership challenge.

My personal preference?   Is that he wins: then loses any subsequent General Election.

Even though I know that’s going to be a tough call: against a government with a large parliamentary majority.

If he loses the Confidence Vote?   He faces a leadership challenge.

Again, I prefer he win that: and lose the next General Election.

If he loses a leadership challenge?

Any replacement as Leader — and Prime Minister — would reshuffle the Cabinet: and presumably replace Rishi Sunak as Chancellor.

I don’t know if the Chancellor’s formally signed off on the extra help promised to those of us in need.

And would rather he wasn’t replaced, until that’s formalised.
