24th November, 2024.
You’ve possibly realise I have a second hand Mac I want to sell: after buying a new model.
Which is why I headed for Romford, yesterday: it’s my nearest branch of recycling retailers, CeX.
I went … hoping to be able to make a good amount of cash: and a vague notion of buying a cheap phone from the Romford O2 shop.
CeX wouldn’t take the Mac.
As it turns out the thing had no function operating system.
Even though I was upset, soon realised what had happened: I’d obviously not reset the thing properly.
I’m gutted!
But … ?
Will probably have another go at resetting it: as soon as I can find a monitor to let me access the thing.
I’m glad I didn’t get rid of the old mouse and keyboard: they’ll come in handy …
As an extra thought, about the new machine … ?
I know how space I have on it.
Mostly because I know how to access the diagnostic tools that tell me what’s been used, and what’s available.
On most of my Macs, I’ve always had the various drives connected to whatever machine I’m using showing on my desktop.
In a way that — in theory — shows how much space is available.
The information panel I’ve called up?
Tells me I’m using 124 gigabytes, out of a maximum of 995.
The ‘Info’ line under the main drive’s icon … ?
Tells me I’ve some 929 gigabytes free: when it should be showing some 871.
Quite what’s been happening, there, I don’t know.
And it’s not something I’m going to worry about, too much: this machine has plenty of drive space.
But it’s been happening since I updated to macOS Catalina on my old iMac.
As a last thought … ?
I’ve got Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, on in the background.
The way the songs segue into each other, makes the technique sound effortless.
I’m also very parts of it remind me of the White Noise LP, An Electric Storm.
Floyd’s “Breathe (In the Air)”, and “On the Run”, in particular.
Why I’m reminded?
I really don’t know!
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) 24th November is World Conjoined Twins Day. Conjoined twins had been known as what: Siamese twins, Thai twins or Burmese twins?Q2) The best known such twins were Chang and Eng … who?Q3) 24th November, 2005, saw the government announce what: new pub licensing laws, tax increases or assisted dying?Q4) Edgar Mayer was born on 24th November, 1960. He plays what: cello, viola or double bass?Q5) Finally … ? Kabir Ali was born on 24th November, 1980. He played international cricket for which nation: England, South African or Pakistan?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) The first episode of Doctor Who aired on 23rd November, 1963. The First Doctor was played by William Hartnell. Who’s playing the current, Fifteenth, Doctor: Jodie Whittaker, David Tennent or Ncuti Gatwa?A1) Ncuti Gatwa. (It’s pronounced ‘Shooty’, but spelt ‘N-c-u-t-i’)Q2) Imam died on 23rd November, 2019. Imam was the last what in existence: Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Rhinoceros or Cloud Leopard?A2) Sumatran Rhinoceros.Q3) 23rd November is Repudiation Day in Frederick County. Where IS Frederick County: Rhode Island, Maryland or Minnesota?A3) Maryland.Q4) The New Shepard rocket became first space vehicle to launch, and then return to Earth: on 23rd November, 2015. The company that built the rocket was founded by whom: Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk?A4) Jeff Bezos.Q5) Finally … ? Sue Nicholls was born on 23rd November, 1943. She played Nadia Popov in which series: Coronation Street, Pipkins or Rentaghost?A5) Rentaghost.
Here’s a thought …
“My sense of humor is the raunchier, inappropriate kind. It’s so much funnier than the quirky stuff.”Katherine Heigl, born November 24, 1978.
And a song …
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
The next ten question set is on 30th November.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* I think the talent of the photographer is as important as the camera being used, Olga. And isn’t shutter speed important: if you’re trying to capture smoke?
Oh, I’m convinced it’s nothing personal, Olga: I believe it’s literally a security measure, to make sure people aren’t shoplifting. And, much as I’d love to not use SmartShop? You can scan as you go with the app. And it’s tied into the loyalty card: so I get lower prices on some things, and money off my bill. There’s ups, as well as downs!
Oh, and I knew about the carrots: Alan Davies can be very revealing …
† Hello, Mum!
‡ Did I tell you what my phone thought Ncuti Gatwa was, Debbi? “Nuclear Gateaux”. Literally, “Nuclear Gateaux”. He’s the only exploding cake to have played the Doctor!
Actually, it looks like the Don’t Panic site links to something called Printerval: that lets you design your own t-shirts. I wish I’d known about that when I was running live quizzes: making the free t-shirts I used to advertise the things, easier.
Oh … and I’ve now got a couple of Frankie Goes To Hollywood-style, “Ron Says Buggrit”§, t-shirts on order.
§ I’m very aware that’s dubious, copyright-wise, Debbi. I don’t have permission to use Sir Terry quote, after all. In my defence? I’m not trying to sell the things: and think it’s a shame the estate hasn’t done something like this, itself.
That said … ? I think the original “Frankie Says” t-shirts were inspired by Katherine Hamnett’s design work … so there’s more copyright arguments … … !
1 Siamese
2 Bunker
3 Pub licensing laws
4 Double bass
5 Pakistan
Q1) Siamese twins
Q2) Bunker
Q3) new pub licensing laws
Q4) double bass
Q5) England
Yes, I had a brief chat with Mireia, the 'official' photographer of the radio station and she gave me some advice (after the fact), although she uses a much bigger and better camera (and newer), so I'm not sure all the settings would be available in the old cameras we use for the standard news.
I hope you can sort the issue with the computer, because it's very new...
I'm starting to think of opening a law school. With a focus on copyright. And history. And civics. And polite conversation.
And we'll all get together for tea, once a year. (Or coffee. You know the type. :) )
Terribly unambitious, aren't I? :)
Maybe I'll just start a book club. And make T-shirts.
1. Siamese twins
2. Bunker
3. new pub licensing laws
4. double bass
5. England
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