Saturday, 30 November 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2024 — Ridley Scott

30th November, 2024: Ridley Scott.

It’s Saturday: and … ?

The Second Reading of Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill has gone well for the bill: as it has been approved by a vote in the House of Commons by 330, for, to 275, against.

Which means it will now go to the committee stage: then a Report stage, then a third and final reading.


Hopefully, the bill will pass these stages: and go into law.

I feel the option, the choice, of an assisted death must be legally available.


Oh, I’ve officially had a visit: from the occupational therapist a few weeks ago and arrange for my bath chair.


She liked the stool I’ve managed to get hold of: and suggested a pair of rails.

Hopefully, I’ll hear soon about those: they could come in handy.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s [insert number here] questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Director, Ridley Scott, was born on 30th November.   Of which year of the 1930s?

Q2)        His first film as director was 1977’s The Duellists.   The Duellists was based on a novel by whom: Joseph Conrad, Walter Scott or Isaac Asimov?

Q3)        Scott directed the 1984 advert.   For whom: Apple, Google, Microsoft or Facebook?

Q4)        That ad first aired, during what: the 1984 UEFA Euro Final, the last game of the 1984 World Series, or the 1984 Super Bowl?

Q5)        Scott directed the 1979 science fiction film, Alien.   Who directed the sequel, Aliens: Ridley Scott, James Cameron or David Fincher?

Q6)        Scott described 1982’s Blade Runner as his most personal film.   Who played the blade runner, in Blade Runner: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher?

Q7)        Scott’s Legend starred Tom Cruise as Jack.   Who played the Lord of Darkness, in Legend: Tim Curry, Liam Neeson or Mark Wing-Davey?

Q8)        But for a scheduling conflict, Ridley Scott could have designed an iconic Doctor Who creature: but didn’t.   Which creature: Daleks, Cybermen or Ice Warriors?

Q9)        Scott’s Thelma and Louise was released in which year of the 1990s?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Ridley Scott directed Gladiator.   Who played Maximus Decimus Meridius, the Gladiator of the title?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        29th November is Unity Day in Vanuatu.   Vanuatu is in which ocean: the North Atlantic, South Atlantic or South Pacific?
A1)        The South Pacific.

Q2)        What’s Vanuatu’s capital: Norsup, Port Vila or Sola?
A2)        Port Vila.
Q3)        What’s the most popular religion in Vanuatu: Christianity, Islam or the John Frum Movement?
A3)        Christianity.   (If I’ve understood it correctly, the John Frum Movement is a cargo cult: it’s got a small following in the country.)
Q4)        Kava is a traditional Vanuatu what: drink, stew or soup?
A4)        Drink.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s the most popular sport in Vanuatu: cricket, football or baseball?
A5)        Football.
Here’s a thought …
“People always ask me, ‘What’s the plan?’   There is no plan.   I go to what fascinates me next.”
Ridley Scott.

And the Vangelis-penned soundtrack to Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The next ten question set is on 3rd December.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I’ll book mark those for later, Olga§: the boxing one looks a lot of fun!

        I know Trump’s managed to get a lot of working class support, this time around, Debbi: bless him, John Lydon’s nothing but!

§        Tricicle, eh … ?   Why am I thinking of these guys, Olga … ?


Mum said...

1 1937
2 Joseph Conra3
3 Apple
4 World Series
5 Scott
6 Harrison Ford
7 Tim Curry
8 Dale's
9 1991
10 Russell Crowe

Debbi said...

Yes, he most definitely was and is authentic.

Just hard to believe they can't see Trump's not their ally.

Ack! Politics! :)

1. 1937
2. Joseph Conrad
3. Apple
4. the 1984 Super Bowl
5. James Cameron
6. Harrison Ford
7. Tim Curry
8. Daleks (interesting!)
9. 1991
10. Russell Crowe

Olga said...

Q1) 1937

Q2) Joseph Conrad (I really liked that movie, but I didn’t realised it was based on a story, although when I read the possible names, I imagined it had to be Joseph Conrad. I must read more Joseph Conrad.)

Q3) Apple

Q4) the 1984 Super Bowl

Q5) James Cameron

Q6) Harrison Ford

Q7) Tim Curry

Q8) Daleks (That would have been interesting!)

Q9) 1991

Q10) Russell Crowe

I agree about the bill. Having had relatives who went through terrible illnesses (and we shall see what life has planned for us in the future), I think choosing the way one dies when there is no way to maintain a reasonable quality of life should be a right.
Oh, and I hope the OT's suggestion helps and it doesn't take too long to get implemented.