26th November. 2024.
Right … it’s officially a busy day.
I’ve got to help Mum, lunchtime: taking a TV up to Brentwood’s tip.
Here’s hoping that goes well!
Hmmm …
I follow technology news: however half-heartedly.
And notice that Microsoft have introduce a cheap desktop called the Windows 365 Link*†.
One that’s aimed at the enterprise market, and that runs — if I’ve understood things correctly — a cloud-based, subscription version of the Windows operating system.
The machine, itself, is relatively cheap.
But I don’t necessarily think the subscription model — for the software — will be popular with home users.
I know at least one person who’s asked for alternatives to MS Office: as they object to the monthly fee.
How well the Link would play in the home market … ?
I don’t know.
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum‡, Olga§, and Debbi¶ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) Captain James Cook visited Hawaii’s second largest island: on 26th November, 1778. What’s the island called?Q2) President Abraham Lincoln named 26th November as Thanksgiving: on 26th November, 1863. It’s been marked on the fourth Thursday in November since which year of the 1940s?Q3) 26th November is Constitution Day, where: India, China or Laos?Q4) 26th November, 1998, saw Tony Blair become the first British Prime Minister to address the parliament of where: Israel, the Republic of Ireland or Russia?Q5) Finally … ? 26th November is the feast day of Æthelwine of Athelney. The village of Athelney is in which English county: Gloucestershire, Somerset or Essex?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) What’s 25 squared?A1) 625.Q2) The Quran mentions 25 prophets. The Quran is the holy book of which religion?A2) Islam.Q3) The PAL video standard has a frame-rate of 25 frames per … what: second, minute or hour?A3) Second.Q4) Britain’s M25 goes around which city: London, Manchester or Liverpool?A4) London.Q5) Finally … ? And according to Wikipedia? A 25th wedding anniversary is what: a silver, ruby or gold wedding?A5) Silver.
Here’s a thought …
“There’s always been an emotion in my voice because it reached back to the life I was living. Where there were tears on stage, it wasn’t Hollywood, it was real.”Tina Turner, November 26, 1939 – May 24, 2023.
A song …
And an LP …
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* One that looks vaguely — vaguely — like a Mac mini.
† The video included with that web page is equally as vague: and remarkably uninformative. (I’ve also not seen any specs for the thing: and couldn’t tell if hobbyists would find replacing the system software easy.)
‡ Hello, Mum! (Have you taken the legs off the old TV … ? It might make it easier to get it into the car.)
§ The hygienist went well, Olga … but the weight’s going up, slowly!
Funny ol’ thing with the M25, Olga. You know Chris Rea’s “Road to Hell” is about the M25? Which always makes me think of Pratchett and Gaiman’s Good Omens. It turns out that one of the two main characters fiddled with the M25’s construction: to turn it into a Satanic rune.
¶ Really? Happy anniversary to you and Rick, Debbi: the pair of you don’t look old enough!
Unlike Cohen …
Q1) Maui
Q2) 1942
Q3) India
Q4) the Republic of Ireland
Q5) Somerset
I'm not surprised about the M25 being the inspiration for The Road to Hell, to be honest. It's pretty easy to miss your exit and end up going round and round. When it moves at all, that is!
Oh, I am sure you'll be up-to-date with everything, but I get weekly newsletters from Malwarebytes and they were talking about the operating system in some Apple computers and iPhones being targeted and Apple having updated with some patches...
Sorry to hear about the weight, but I hope the trip to the tip goes well. I had one very nearby when I lived in Penistone, but lately they only allowed people to go with their cars.
Here there are quite a few places you can take things to, and they also set up lorries that work like mobile units, so people don't need to go that far to take recycle their staff (usually once a week in pretty visible and central locations).
1 Maui
2 1941
3 India
4 India
5 Somerset
"Age is relative." -- Patrick McGoohan, The Prisoner. :)
1. Maui
2. 1942
3. India
4. the Republic of Ireland
5. Somerset
"Haven't they killed you yet?" :)
Cracks me up every time.
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