Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2021: We’re Going to Barbados

30th November, 2021.

Right: I’m officially a busy bee.

I had a busy — ish — day, yesterday: having the first of a years worth of meetings with my Restart case worker.

That was fun.   Or, at least, efficient.

I know this: the office has some of the poshest toilets I’ve seen in an office.

It’s got a shower!


That was yesterday.


I’ve got blood tests in the morning: ones I have to fast for.

Which is nice!

And I’ve got the booster jab in the afternoon.

On the other side of town.

But thankfully, nowhere near Larchwood Gardens Primary School: the school I went to when I was my nephew’s age!

That’s a bit worrying … !


Monday, 29 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th November, 2021

29th November, 2021.


Right, OK … 

You’re possibly aware — as I — that COVID’s still doing the rounds.

Indeed, you’re possibly aware that a case of the new Omicron variant’s been spotted in Brentwood.

What I didn’t know, until yesterday … ?

Is that one case … ?   Has been spotted in KFC: where I worked, many years ago.

I’m glad I’m not there, anymore!


Talking of COVID?

The full mask restrictions haven’t quite come into play, yet.

That happens tomorrow.

Which means my first Restart meeting — the only one that happens, in town — is today.

Next month’s moves to Chelmsford.

We’ll have to see how that goes.


Oh … 

Just in case you’re interested, my written review of last night’s episode of Dr Who can be found, here.

Or — assuming you’re not sick of the sound of my voice … ? — you can watch the video version.

Right at the moment … ?

I’m just wondering if my speculation’s right: is Bel’s Baby the Doctor … ?


Sunday, 28 November 2021

Doctor Who — Flux Series 13: Chapter 5 — Survivors of the Flux — A Review

28th November 2021

Right … 

I’m start thing post early: in the run-up to tonight’s episode of Doctor Who.


I’ll be able to finish this post, along side its video equivalent, late tonight.

For now?

I’m going to wander over to the TV, get myself comfortable: whilst Countryfile tells me about wattle and daub houses.

Back in a bit.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-11-2021: Panama.

28th November, 2021.

As I said in a post, last night … ?

I’m something of a techno-fetishist.

Or, at least, a Mac fan.

You’d possibly noticed.

I’m one who — for want of something better to do … ? — has been trying to revive my again Mac mini: the one I nicknamed Bruce, the one I bought many years ago, and the one I used to start this blog.

And the one I was hoping to use to play a few retro games.

Unfortunately … ?

The main hard drive’s gone: which means complicated repairs, trying Recovery Mode, or just plain trying to install the OS to an external USB stick.

We’ll just have to see, won’t we?


In other news?

You’re possibly aware a new COVID 19, named Omicron, is now doing the rounds.

A variant that’s a lot more transmissible, and coming in from Southern Africa, and that’s seen the government of the UK reimpose mask-wearing in England: as from Tuesday.

What’s more, it seems there’s two cases in a named town in Essex.

Yep: Brentwood.


I’m hoping we avoid another lock-down.

Given the Restart scheme is mandatory, and could lead to sanctions were I to not attend?

I’d hate to get caught out.


Saturday, 27 November 2021

About Bruce ...

27th November, 2021.

Just as a quick extra post?

I have a mild confession.

I’m like a few people I know: I get vaguely nostalgic about tech.

And I’m fond of the occasional Mac.

Including the first Mac mini I ever bought: back in 2008.

The thing was the result of earning £500, after getting a one hundred per cent score in a mystery shopper visit.

It was also the first new Mac I bought: and the thing I started writing Nik Nak's Old Peculiar on.
And the computer that ended up getting nicknamed ‘Bruce’: after the voice I chose to use.

I had a nostalgic phase, just recently: managing to get and external DVD drive, and a monitor, that I could use on him -- it!

I had half a mind to play a few old games on it.

Bruce is going to get a decent burial: as the main drive’s gone.

The perils of nostalgia, hey?

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th November, 2021.

27th November, 2021.

It’s officially Saturday.

You’d possibly realised that, hadn’t you … ?

So … ?

Well, for me, that means a bit of shopping: bread and milk, mostly.

But I’ll have to see about stamps and Xmas cards.

Frankly, I’ve not budgeted for them, this year: as they’re just a little bit too expensive.



There’s some sad news in … if you like hamsters.

Mr Goxx, the crypto-currency trading hamster has died.

A couple of German students had wired up his cage: so — depending on how long he ran on his wheel, or which tunnel he ran up — he’d generate crypto-currency trading suggestions.

It’s sad to hear the thing’s died.

It’s interesting to hear about the experiment in the first place … 

And I — like a lot of ageing 2000AD readers — will be thinking about Dave the Orang-utan … 


Friday, 26 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th November, 2021.

26th November, 2021.


Right … 

Let’s start with the weather: It’s officially looking chilly out.

There’s enough of a chill in the air to make heading for my weight loss class — at the bottom end of London Road — a daunting prospect.

The venue’s at the bottom end of London Road: which is quite a walk.

On the upside?

I’ve had a call from my Restart case worker.

She’s managed to find me a place with at the Chelmsford office.

It’s not that much closer, or cheaper.

But the trips shorter.


Thursday, 25 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th November, 2021

25th November, 2021.


I was at the dentists, yesterday.

I had an appointment to see a hygienist.

I sat there for forty-five minutes, waiting to see one.

And, eventually, didn’t.

The Receptionist hat hit the ‘Cancel,’ button, rather than the ‘Arrived,’ button, when I got there … 


I also managed to have a phone conversation with an Apple Advisor: about my clock.

I’ve had the clock on my Mac set to announce the time since I first got one, twenty years ago.

Including the one I’m currently using.

Every half an hour.

Except, of course, it’s stopped doing it: after the upgrade to macOS 12.0.1 Monterey.

Unless I go through hoops.

So I’ve set up a call from Apple, last week: and another, yesterday, when the first didn’t help.

The adviser was great, I should add: I couldn’t fault him.

But — after a lot of wondering about — I still have the problem.

The clock won’t announce the time, unless I jump through hoops.

Heigh ho!


Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th November, 2021.

24th November, 2021.

Yep: I’m up early!

Extremely early: at least for me.

“Why,” I hear you ask?

Because I’ve got a dental hygienists appointment at eleven.

So I’m up earlier than usual, to get there on time.

The upside?

I can pick up some bits and bobs, while I’m in town.


Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd November, 2021

23rd November, 2021.

Yes: I’m had a phone call, yesterday.

From my case worker on the Restart s scheme.

Who seems like a pleasant woman.

She managed to confirm the basic details for me: it’s a monthly face-to-face meeting, with a follow up phone call, a fortnight later, and these initial meetings would be in Brentwood.

However?   And much to my annoyance?

She told me that the office would be moving to Basildon in March, 2022.

It’s something I’ve reported to my Job Centre case worker: who’s asked me to confirm it.

I hope she Can do something about it.

Because this scheme is starting to should like the Work Programme I was on, many years ago.



Monday, 22 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-11-2021: Terry Gilliam.

22nd November, 2021.

Right … it’s Monday.

Which is possibly a reason to cheerful.

At any rate … ?

I’ve quickly poked my head around the front door this morning.

And the temperature is something to not be happy about.

It’s decidedly cold.

I’ll be wearing a scarf, when I go out!


Sunday, 21 November 2021

Doctor Who — Flux Series 13: Chapter 4 — Village of the Angels — A Review

21st November, 2021.

Right at the moment … ?

I’ve got dinner on the go.

Whilst — would you believe — the BBC’s Countryfile show is on.

John Craven discussing vegetables is not my usual thing.

You can tell that I’m bored in the run up to tonight’s episode of Dr Who: Village of the Angels.

Once I’ve got through dinner, washing up, tea, John Craven talking about cobnuts, I’ll be watching the thing: and letting you know what I think.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-11-2021: North Carolina

21st November, 2021.

It’s officially Sunday.

And frankly?

I’m expecting it to be quiet.

Well … quiet-ish.

I’m expecting a relative feeding frenzy, once I’ve finished a video review of tonight’s episode of Dr Who.

They have been doing rather well!


Oh, JUST in case anyone’s wondering … ?

I managed to pick up some kidney beans, and some chopped tomatoes: and made a BIG pot of chilli con carne.

I’m just wondering, though … 

Do you think five chilli peppers was enough … ?


Saturday, 20 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th November, 2021

20th November, 2021.

Hmmm …

I’ve now had my referral meeting: fir the Restart scheme I’m join to take part in.

Thankfully?   And unlike the Work Programme I was on, a few years ago?

It’s actually local.

There’s a possibility the staff will have a better idea of local opportunities.

Whether it’ll be able to do any good?   Is a whole other matter.


The pest controller turn up, yesterday.

At ten: on the dot.

Or near enough to make no odds.

Seemingly, I’m in the clear.

Saying that … ?

I’ve still got some rat bait to put down.

Just to be on the safe side … 


Apple still haven’t solved my speaking clock problem

But we have come up a workaround.

That doesn’t last beyond restarting the machine!

Back on the phones it is … 


Friday, 19 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-11-2021: Charles 1st

19th November, 2021.

Yep: stuff’s happening … 

Firstly?   I’m going to thank Matt, over on Facebook.

He was as good as his word, and managed to drop off an old monitor to me, last night.

Something I’ve been wanting to use for my old Mac mini, the one I nicknamed Bruce, for a while now.

The thing works.

It’s just a shame I get the dreaded folder/question mark symbol that tells me the hard drive’s got issues!

It may just mean I need to do a lot of jumping about to see what I can do about it: or, at least, whether I can get hold of a powered optical drive, to reinstall the operating system.

It’s not why I’m busy, today.

I’ve got to get hold of kidney beans, today: and some chopped tomatoes.

I’m planning to make chilli con carne, at some point.

I got everything, yesterday.

Bar chopped tomatoes and kidney beans!

I’ve got to do that, after eleven today.

First off?   My landlord’s pest controller’s due at ten.

AND I’ve got a phone meeting with the Job Centre: about a mandatory scheme they want to do.

THEN I have to buy the beans and tomatoes: and be back by three.

When Apple’s due to phone about my MAIN Mac’s inability to announce the time … !


JUST as a final thought … ?

The Today Programme’s interviewing various talking heads: about the lack of staff in the NHS.


Rejoining the EU — so we can hire/rehire all of the medical staff whose qualifications we used to recognise, only a few short years ago — seems like a bloody good idea.

Heigh ho!


Thursday, 18 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th November, 2021

18th November, 2021.

I’ve got To admit: I’ve been following Star Trek — in it’s various forms — for some years.

Recently?   That’s included Star Trek Discovery and Star Trek Picard.

Today?   Was due to see the US release of Star Trek Discovery’s fourth season.

Internationally: both inside and outside the US?   It was due to be released, tomorrow.

Except that release has been cancelled: as Netflix, the international distributer, has lost the rights to the series.

The series will be aired internationally, next year.

Personally … ?

I’m not happy: as, from what I can tell, many others.

Can I make a suggestion?

What I think’s going to happen is the Paramount+ are going to lose money.


Because a lot of annoyed fans will download TorBrowser, so they can visit torrent tracking sites like Pirate Bay, LimeTorrent or KAT*.

Then install torrent clients, to download any torrent files they’ve got from the sites.

Including the first episode of Discovery, which is on Pirate Bay as we speak.

Not that I’m encouraging it.

But I can understandably perfectly why annoyed fans would go for that.

In allowing this … ?

Paramount and CBS will loss cash.


Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser 17-11-2021: Suez!

17th November, 2021.

It’s a Wednesday.

You’d noticed, hadn’t you … ?

At any rate, it’s a Wednesday where I’m not scheduled for a meeting, a pest controller, or some sort of medical appointment.

That’s possibly a result.


Oh … 

Bless her, my mother managed to find an old Mac mouse and keyboard sitting around.

And I’ve just found the power cable/brick for Bruce: my 2007 era Mac mini.

All I need now … ?

Is a VGA monitor: given that, I can access some of the older games that macOS no longer supports.


Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th November, 2021.

16th November, 2021.

Yes: it’s a Tuesday.

A day that includes many things.

It doesn’t include knee exercises — that’s Wednesdays, Thursdays, and the weekend — for which I’m vaguely thankful.

It’s a chore.

It does include the regular meeting with my Work Coach, my Job Centre case worker.

That’s … 

Well, we’ve a few things to discuss.


Monday, 15 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th November, 2021.

15th November, 2021.

You know it was Remembrance Sunday, yesterday?   Here in the UK, anyway.

It’s THE day the Britain commemorates its war dead: from the First World War, all the way to the Conflict in Afghanistan.

It’s ALSO a day that Irish nationalists don’t like.

Many Irish people volunteered to become soldiers in the UK Army during WW1: when something nationalists see as contentious, as they feel those volunteers should have stayed home, fighting for Irish independence.

Indeed, if I’ve understood things correctly?

That’s spurred the Provisional IRA to bomb at least one Remembrance Day parade: in Enniskillen, many years ago.

I believe there’s been other such Remembrance Day Bombings: but don’t quote me.

The reason I mention it … ?

Is that a minicab was deliberately blown up, yesterday: at one minute to eleven, on Remembrance Sunday, outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

Which, I should add, is very near the Anglican Cathedral where the service was being held.

The driver of the cab survived.

His passenger, didn’t.

Three men in their twenties have since been arrested.


Right now … ?

I think it’s dreadful that this has happened.

And can’t help but speculate: that this has got something to do with Northern Ireland.

After all, there’s been discontent — on Unionist sides — about the various Brexit linked discussion: practically since 2016!

There’s also been at least one bus hijacking: blamed on the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force.

I can’t but think that this was an reprisal attempt by Nationalists.

We probably won’t know until the trials, if any.


JUST as a lighter note?

I caught Once, Upon a Time, last night: the most recent episode of Dr Who.

My written review is here, if you’re interested.

My video review … ?

Well … 


Sunday, 14 November 2021

Doctor Who — Flux Series 13: Chapter 3 — Once, Upon Time — A Review

14th November, 2021.

Right … 

I’ve started this post at 18:22GMT: a few minutes before tonight’s episode of Dr WhoOnce, Upon a Time — is due to start.


I’ll have the complete review — written and video — up by midnight on 15th November.

Hopefully earlier, but by tomorrow at the latest.

We’ll have to see, won’t we?


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-11-2021: World Diabetes Day

14th November, 2021.

Right … it’s a Sunday.

And … ?

Frankly, I’m having dinner and my mothers, today: and hopefully be able to pick up the repaired phone on the way.

I just hope the shop’s managed the job on time.

And that I get home for Dr Who!


Saturday, 13 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th November, 2021

13th November, 2021.

Yes: it’s official.

One?   Britney’s free.

Which is completely irrelevant to me, and my life, however important it may for her.

I just wish the Today programme would shut up about it!


Two?   It’s grim — ish — out.

Which is nice.


I’ve going to be looking in to a shop in Shenfield: repair a hand-me-down phone that’s going to be used as a Christmas present.

Here’s hoping that can be done quickly … 


Friday, 12 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-11-2021: World Pneumonia Day

12th November, 2021.

Right, I know, I know … 

Me singing at you in today’s introduction video is not necessarily pleasant.

But I’ll be frank.

I’ve had Huey Smith’s Rockin’ Pneumonia banging around my since I got up … !


Oh, on the medical assessment front … ?

I managed to get in touch with the relevant people, yesterday.

They’ve assured me that the problematic face to face meeting has been cancelled, that I’m eligible for a phone meeting and that I’m in the waiting list for one.

The young man I spoke to gave me his name: and his staff ID number, as well: so I could pass those on to the Job Centre, in case of any (sanctionable) issues.

So that’s that sorted!


Thursday, 11 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-11-2021: The Armistice

11th November, 2021.

Yep: I’m officially tired again.

But, again, for pretty the same reasons I was tired, last Thursday.

Yes: I’ve caught the last episode of Lovecraft Country.

I have to admit two things.
  • It’s fantastic.
  • HBO are disgusting.
HBO cancelled Lovecraft Country.

That’s a disgusting thing to do: the series has some great writing, a very good cast, and a fantastic story, and HBO have chosen to cancel it.

It’s their loss.


I mentioned — a while back — how I’d been put forward for a medical assessment, so I can claim any extra help available.

I filled in the relevant form … and waited.

The assessor finally got in touch with me, yesterday.

Or, at least, sent me a letter with an assessment date.

It’s in Chelmsford, the day before payday!

I’ver phoned them to re-arrange things, as I won’t have the ticket money!

Their representative, a woman called Andrea, told me she’s emailed the relevant people, to try and arrange for a phone interview.

I get the impression I’ll have to phone, again: JUST to make sure that message has gone through,


Just as a final thought?

No Time To Die has hit streaming services in the US.

Just the US.

I can understand the production companies want it to make as much money as possible at the cinema, but doing a simultaneous release in just the US … ?

Seems both unfair … and an invitation to piracy.
