(Originally posted on Nik Nak and Grub’s Who Peculiar, 17 September 2011 20:07:00)

Oh, now, wait a minute, HANG ON!
I’m SOOOOOO jealous!
Toby Whithouse is officially a jammy what’sit!
Not only has he writing a stinker of an episode of Dr Who — the instalment shown tonight, episode 11, The God Complex — but him and his two children got a tour of the Dr Who props department!
I mean, talk about your WOW factor!
Really … !
Hang on, deep breath …
Now …
Let me see if I can’t relax just a touch, and not overdo the exclamation marks, shall we … ?
Yes, lets … !
Tonight’s episode — episode 11, as I’ve said — is called The God Complex, and was penned by Toby Whithouse, the man behind smash BBC 3 hit, Being Human.
It sees the Doctor, Amy and Rory finding themselves in what turns out to be a fake hotel.
A fake 1980s era, Earth hotel.
A fake 1980s era, Earth hotel that has no way out, corridors that double-back on themselves, a handful of other guests, rooms that have individually crafted nightmares for all comers …
And something large, hairy and unpleasant, that seems to be feeding on the fear generated by the things in each of the rooms.
Now …
At the risk of offending someone, I am definitely impressed with The God Complex, I really am … !
I’m thinking that Whithouse has shown himself to be write both emotionally complicated, but curiously old fashioned and scary — and thoroughly engrossing — genre TV: both in the way he’s written and overseen Being Human and its web spin-off, Becoming Human.
And in the way he’s written for Dr Who, over the years: School Reunion and Vampires of Venice being the other two Whithouse contributions to the series.
Hmm …
Actually …
Can I be honest, here … ?
I really don’t know how much longer Being Human has left.
Although it’s been recommisioned for a fourth series, they HAVE killed off Mitchell, one the key characters.
I’m thinking that we know perfectly well that both Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat have juggled running two or more shows, quite successfully.
I wonder who Mr M’s eyeballing as a successor, should he have a chance to name one.
If you can see where I’m going^ there?
At any rate … ?
At any rate, I’m going to be making a few guesses, here.
We’ve seen a beautiful episode, here, tonight: but then, I’ve always personally felt that sometimes, the penultimate episode of a given series of new Dr Who — given that for most of its run, the last two episodes have been two halves of a two-parter‡ — is usually very good quality˘.
We’ve some very good guest stars, tonight: David Walliams, as the cowardly Gibbis may have had the headlines, but I personally think the real star was Amara Karan, as Rita. Who, incidentally, had one of the most beautiful on-screen deaths I think I’ve ever seen.
We’ve seen an episode that nods politely at the Greek myth that Whithouse — in tonight’s Dr Who Confidential — happily admits to loving: not the first time the show’s done that, incidentally.
And as a FINAL point …
We have an episode that sees the Doctor doing something I think he’s only done a few times in the show’s history.
Intentionally abandoned a companion.
Where I’m sitting now … ?
Well, I’m thinking this bodes well for the last two episodes …
Roll on, next week.
° Oh, and provide an argument about proofreading …
^ I’ll be frank, as and when Steven Moffat decides to step down from Dr Who? I believe Toby Whithouse will make for a VERY competent replacement: as would Mark Gatiss, obviously, but Whithouse does have more genre TV experience …
˘ Boom Town and Turn Left spring to mind, here, as equally good examples.
‡ Not always guaranteed, I know.
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