You know, normally … ?
I’d be whinging about getting up late, I really would.
Mind you … ?
That WAS a rather good fireworks display.
All of that to mark the fact we’re now in 2012.
Here’s hoping it’s an improvement on 2011.
It’s can’t get much worse, I think …
Let’s moving on, shall we … ?
Yes, let’s …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting in her answers: and managing to get 8 out of 10*.
Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 1st January became the start of the New year in the UK and its colonies, when: 1752, 1753 or 1754 … ?Q2) Nowruz is New Year’s Day in which ancient calendar: Iranian, Sumerian or Mesopotamian?Q3) The Julian calendar was introduced on 1st January, 45BC, by Julius Caesar: in which Roman year … ?Q4) The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar: which Pope devised the Gregorian calendar?Q5) As it’s New Year’s Day: is 2012 a Leap Year?Q6) 1st January, 2011 saw which former Soviet State adopt the Euro … ?Q7) 1st January, 1806, saw the abolition of which calendar … ?Q8) 1st January, 2011, saw who step down as Governor of California … ?Q9) And finally … 1st January, 1985, saw Britain’s first mobile phone call made, by comedian Ernie Wise: what’s the name of the mobile phone company that call was made on … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) In which city is the 2011, Gary Marshall film, New Year’s Eve, set … ?A1) New York.Q2) What’s the Scottish term for New Year’s Eve … ?A2) Hogmanay. (In the opinion of many Scottish people I’ve met: “It’s just like Christmas: except God’s not around to mess it up …”)Q3) Cap d’Any is the phrase “Happy New Year” in the Catalan dialect of which language … ?A3) Spanish.Q4) What name is given to the New Year celebrations in Buddhist parts or South East Asia … ?A4) Vesakha: or Vesak, as it’s sometimes also known …Q5) As a final one: which Robbie Burns song is traditionally sung on New Years Eve, in many parts of the world … ?A5) Auld Lang Syne.Q6) 31st December, 1983, saw the US government break up what … ?A6) The Bell telephone system.Q7) Sixty years earlier, 31st December, 1923, saw what heard on the BBC for the first time … ?A7) The chimes of Big Ben.Q8) 31st December, 1909, saw the opening of the Manhattan Bridge: what river does that bridge cross?A8) The East River.Q9) 31st December, 1937 saw the birth of Welsh actor, Sir Anthony Hopkins: who preceded him in the role of Hannibal Lecter?A9) Two answers, here, due to the rights involved in the making of the movies, concerned: either no-one, or Brian Cox, who played the character in Manhunter, the original film version Red Dragon.Q10) And finally … 31st December, 1991, saw the dissolution of which country … ?A10) The USSR.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you after I’ve left you with possibly the only song to match the dayª …
ª You’re right, Debbi … It’s not that often you find Auld Lang Syne’s lyrics: although I think most Robbie Burns sites should have them …
Q1 1752
Q2 Persian now Iranian
Q3 709 AUC
Q4 Pope Gregory XIII
Q5 Yes it is a leap year
Q6 Estonia
Q7 French Republican Calendar or French Revolutionary Calendar
Q8 Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger
Q9 Vodafone
Strange as it seems, no amount of learning can cure stupidity, and higher education positively fortifies it. – Stephen Vizinczey
Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way. – Jane Austin
And the word of the day is “ruminate”
Okay, nine questions. Here we go.
1. 1752
2. Iranian
3. 45 BCE -- probably wrong :(
4. Pope Gregory XIII
5. Yes
6. Estonia
7. the French Republican Calendar
8. Arnold Schwarzenegger
9. Vodafone
Whew! *wipes sweat from brow* :)
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