Yep, I’ll be frank: Jude’s decided to say ‘Hello’, again!

I’ve got to admit, at the weekly family get-together, yesterday … ?
I think I managed to surprise him. By showing him how to use the light-switch in the bathroom, at bath-time.
You should have seen his face! Sheer excited surprise, especially when I put the light-switch in his hands, so he could have a go himself.
Let’s leave that there, shall we … ?
Before I start to sound really soppy, telling you about what he thought you could do with my phone …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Trev-v and Debbi putting in their answers: with Trevor* bagging 9 out of 9, and Debbi bagging scoring 8º.
Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 2nd January, 1969, saw which Australian gain a foothold in Fleet Street … ?Q2) More to the point, by taking over which group of newspapers?Q3) 2nd January, 1920, saw the birth of science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov: who famously studied what at college?Q4) More to the point, which of his short stories is considered to be one of the best science fiction stories every written … ?Q5) 2nd January is Berchtoldstag, or Berchtold’s Day, in Switzerland, the Alsace … and which small European country: Vatican City, Luxembourg or Liechtenstein … ?Q6) 2nd January, 1980, saw Britain’s what go on strike: steel-workers, dockers or merchant seamen … ?Q7) And finally … 2nd January, 1927, saw Catholic rebels in which Central American country revolt … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st January became the start of the New year in the UK and its colonies, when: 1752, 1753 or 1754 … ?A1) 1752.Q2) Nowruz is New Year’s Day in which ancient calendar: Iranian, Sumerian or Mesopotamian?A2) Iranian.Q3) The Julian calendar was introduced on 1st January, 45BC, by Julius Caesar: in which Roman year … ?A3) 709 Anno Urbis Conditae.Q4) The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar: which Pope devised the Gregorian calendar?A4) Pope Gregory 13th.Q5) As it’s New Year’s Day: is 2012 a Leap Year?A5) Yes.Q6) 1st January, 2011 saw which former Soviet State adopt the Euro … ?A6) Estonia. (Which is possibly looks bad, with hindsight …)Q7) 1st January, 1806, saw the abolition of which calendar … ?A7) The French Revolutionary calendar.Q8) 1st January, 2011, saw who step down as Governor of California … ?A8) Arnold Schwarzenegger.Q9) And finally … 1st January, 1985, saw Britain’s first mobile phone call made, by comedian Ernie Wise: what’s the name of the mobile phone company that call was made on … ?A9) Vodaphone.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …
* Trevor’s the original Big Beast, so you know, Debbi.
º It’s was the Roman year, Debbi: although, technically … ? 45BCE is when 709AUC actually happened …
Q1 Rupert Murdock
Q2 News of the World newspaper group.
Q3 Seth Low Junior College and then to Columbia University
Q4 Nightfall
Q5 Liechtenstein
Q6 steel-workers (I come from a steel town)
Q7 Mexico
If you believe everything you read, better not read. – Japanese proverb.
There is not any memory with less satisfaction than the memory of some temptation we resisted. - James Branch Cabell
Yeah, I was having a tough time converting or otherwise figuring out the whole Roman calendar year thing. And I'm not a cheater. :)
1. Rupert Murdock
2. News of the World
3. Seth Low Junior College, then Columbia University
4. Nightfall
5. Liechtenstein
6. steel-workers
7. the Cristero War or the Cristiada in Mexico
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