(Originally reposted on Nik Nak’ And Grub’s Who Peculiar on 12 October 2011 22:26:00)
Whoah … !
Yes …
I think we can definitely say that’s nasty …
And I have to admit, I’m going to really spoil Grub’s evening, if he’s managed to miss tonight’s episode of The Fades.
Hmmm …
You’re doing it, again, aren’t you … ?
Wondering what the hell I’m talking about … ?
You see, I’ve been following the BBC3 series, The Fades, over the past few weeks, as has Grub.
And to be fair to him, Grub’s finding it difficult to keep up, what with one thing and another.
So …
Bare in mind that — when I talked to him, this afternoon — he’d not managed to catch up with episode three.
So bare in mind we’ll have to be gentle with him … !
Tonight’s episode takes place in the immediate aftermath of Paul being knocked down by a truck in front of Mac.
With what’s left of Paul hooked up to several life support machines, surrounded by both his grieving family and friends, it’s left to Chief Angelic Neil to let Mac know — in that oh so blunt way of his — that Paul is dead.
Neil can tell.
Paul’s Fade is standing next to Mac, making assorted “It’s not you fault,” noises!
The other thread to this plot-line … ?
Is that the chief Fade, Polus, is now embodied and calling himself John.
And … ?
And, as he tells Paul, Polus is willing to bargain with the a newly Faded Paul — who’s stuck on a hospital roof — in order to find the Fade he loves, Natalie.
Polus also reveals a little more of his own personal history in this episode.
Seemingly … ?
Seemingly, Polus had died at the age of 22, during World War 2. Leaving behind a wife who he still loved, but couldn’t touch.
Until the day of her suicide …
When he tried communing with her: incidentally drank some of her blood along the way.
Phew … !
If you’ll excuse the phrase … ?
At any rate, I’m hoping Grub will be able to catch up with this show, I really do.
He’s missing both a very enjoyable show, and one that manages to pick up some very old myths — ghosts, vampires, zombies, out-of-the-body-experiences and forms of shamanism* — and put them together in a very modern and accessible way.
OK, granted tonight’s episode finished in a very obvious way — with Paul’s fade being rejoined to his body at the moment of his ascensionª, and Sarah volunteering to spy on the enemyº — but it’s an entertainingly well written‡ series, with solid acting performances from its cast, and plenty of scares to keep people coming back for more.
I’ve just a couple of questions, at the moment.
For starters … ?
Why the HELL has BBC 3 shifted the start time to 10 o’clock, next Wednesday? I hate that when it happens … !
And why on EARTH do a pair of 17 year-olds know THAT much about Mork & Mindy … ?
* Very English forms of shamanism, I should say: or possibly ritual magic, I think I’d need to talk to an old friend about that, see what she says …
º Inevitably. (Well, she IS the only one qualified — and motivated — to do the job.)
ª And his life-support-machines being turned off.
‡ By a chap called Jack Thorne: who I have to admit, is relatively unknown to me.
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