(Originally posted on Nik Nak and Grub’s Who Peculiar, 21 July 2011 22:19:00)
You know, I’ve GOT to confess — which I know Grub’s going to complain about, seeing as that’s a favourite phrase of mine — but I’m thinking that Torchwood now fully gone stateside.
That much should be obvious if you — like I — had just seen tonight’s second episode of the Dr Who spin-off’s fourth series.
And I’m …
Where’s me thesaurus … ?
Grub … ?
GRUB … !!!!!
Never mind … !
I’m impressed, again, I think.
Or … well, no blown away is possibly too strong a phrase, here, I think.
But certainly impressed enough. And concerned enough, after having a natter with Grub, the other day, to want to have me thesaurus sitting around, so I can find alternatives for ‘impressed’.
I’m in burble mode, ain’t I … ?
Aren’t I … ?
I can tell, you know … … …
Let me get moving on, here, shall we … ?
Tonight’s episode of Miracle Day — called Rendition, according to the Wikipedia entry for Miracle Day — picks up from last week’s first episode: and follows hotshot CIA agent, Rex Matheson*, after his dramatic of Jack ad Gwen, the only two members of Torchwood to survive the ravages of the 456 in Children Of Earth.
The trouble starts on the plane, back to the States, of course.
Unknown to Rex, of course, is the fact that his fellow agent, Lyn — former Neighbours regular, Dichen Lachman — is under orders from their boss, Brian Friedkin — Wayne Knight — to make sure that Captain Jack doesn’t make it over to the US alive.
Which is convenient.
As it seems Jack’s the only person left on the planet who can still be killed …
Now, I’ve got to admit, I definitely liked this episode.
Effectively, Rendition is the second half of a two part opening episode: and much better executed than the equivalent opening episodes of Outcasts.
What’s more, I’m also thinking that these two openers have nicely introduced both Torchwood, as a series and a fictional universe to it’s international audience, without alienating too many of the British audience that made it so successful in the first place.
It’s ALSO still got very much that oh so British — or possibly just Welsh — sense of humour. Possibly one that’s best highlighted by the scenes on the plane where Captain Jack was poisoned.
All told … ?
All told, I’m thinking I’m going to be looking forward to the rest of Miracle Day.
Having seen a very solid transition from its UK home, to its new US base.
* Played by series four regular Mekhi Phifer. And he’s impressed me with both his warmth and charm in interviews … and the simple fact that he’s playing Miracle Day’s token Gobby American. (I think, ever since Star Wars, British science fiction’s liked the idea of a Harrison-Ford-style Gobby American: in the new series of Dr Who that role has of course, been either Captain Jack: or River Song, in more recent episodes. Of course, in series 1, 2 and 3 of Torchwood, they’ve gone, instead, for a Doomy Celt: Ianto, in other words.) These days, of course Miracle Day has a much bigger US cast: but STILL needs a Gobby American. Mekhi Phifer’s character, Rex, in other words …
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