Saturday, 31 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-10-2020: Halloween

31st November, 2020.

Right … it’s official … I have another earworm doing the rounds!

I’ve got Little Big’s Go Bananas being through my head!


I don’t know.

If I knew that, I’d know why a Russian band sang in Spanglish.   Or singing about Bananaman!


Just so you know … ?

I’m working on another piece for PhoenixFM: this time, about crime.

In between watching and TV, writing Teasers, I should say.

I’m going to hang the thing on the rough sleeper I had on my doorstep, a couple of weeks ago.

I’ got in touch with the police officer handling the case, actually: just to follow that up.

Apparently, he’s not managed to track the guy down: although he has identified him.

The sooner he does, the happier I’ll be.


On top of all THAT … ?

I’m expecting a phone call on Tuesday.

As you may or may not know, I’m thinking of doing an European Computer Driving License course: just to refresh my skills.

But don’t have a Windows based pc the course insists on.


It seems my landlords have a Digital Futures have a scheme that will loan me a laptop.

Here’a hoping it goes well!.


Friday, 30 October 2020

Dr Who — Season 5 Serial 6: Fury from the Deep — Episode 5 and 6 — A Review

29th October, 2020.

Right … 

It’s official: I’ve just seen the last two episodes of Fury from the Deep … and am going to tell you all about it, tomorrow!

Frankly, it’s getting late.

I did want to do my usual thing, though: of starting my review the night I watched it.

That way … ?

I know I have to finish it!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-10-2020: The Reign of Henry Tudor

30th November, 2020.

I’ve possibly mentioned this before now: I’m something of a Terry Pratchett fan.

I have been, ever since I read The Colour of Magic, back in the day.

And … ?   His diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer’s was something I felt deeply upset about.

His support for assisted dying?   Something I found hard to accept: but, eventually, came to agree with.

The fact it’s still illegal in the UK?   Is understandable.

But something I believe should be changed.

The reason I mention this … ?

Is the news I’ve seen float along my timeline, today: the people of New Zealand have voted in favour of a law that allows for Assisted Dying.

Granted, the UK’s had issues with referendum, over the past few years.

But I think we could learn from that.


Thursday, 29 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th October, 2020.

29th October, 2020.

OK … 

I hate waking up with earworms: with songs playing through my head.


I woke up with Gaga’s Love Game banging around my head.

Why, I don’t know.

I just want to know what a bunch of dancers on the New York subway … are dancing around a bottle of Campari?

We’ll possibly never know … 


JUST as a follow-up?

I mentioned the closure of the Brentwood Centre, yesterday.

The BBC has filled in a few details.

It seems the Trust has been in talks with Brentwood Council since July: and that in the meeting about it, the Council refused to help the Centre financially.

Although the minutes from the meeting have yet to be released, it seems that was an unanimous vote.


I can’t help but think the vote was a stitch up: at least, that’s what the Brentwood Centre’s site seems to imply.

Equally frankly?

It strikes me that Brentwood Councillors need serious replacing, come May, ’21.

Between this, the lack of a cinema and the local phone mast?

I’m thinking none of Brentwood councillors are worth re-electing.


Just as an EXTRA thought … ?

I’ve managed to finish my revieww or episode sis of Watchmen: This Extraordinary Being.

That’s one hell of a piece of TV.


Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 6 — This Extraordinary Being — A Review

27th October, 2020.

Right … 

Unemployment has ups, and downs.

Frankly?   I would rather be earning money: rather than getting it courtesy of the taxpayer.

Regardless of how I’m getting any cash … ?

I have to admit: any way I can entertain myself is welcome.

Over the past few weeks?

You’ve possibly noticed that’s included a few TV shows.

Just recently?

I’ve caught up with the recently restored classic Dr Who story, Fury from the Deep.

But … ?

I’ve also been watching the 2019, HBO series, Watchmen: one episode at a time.

Then, usually, completing the review the following day.

Something I’m planning on doing as we speak.

Thus far, though?

Watchmen series one has been very impressive.

Tonight’s episode?

Even more so … !

Something I’ll tell you about, tomorrow.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th October, 2020

28th October, 2020.

It’s officially official … 

It’s a Wednesday!

You’ve possibly noticed.

At any rate, Brentwood’s had something of a blow.

Brentwood has — or, at least, had — a leisure centre: called the Brentwood Centre.

It was a mixture of exercise facilities, performance space, swimming pool and licensed bar: and various other bits and bobs.


It seems the charity that runs it, the Brentwood Leisure Trust, has closed: after not receiving help from Brentwood Council.

That’s, temporarily, closed the centre itself.

In these times … ?

That’s a shame.


Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-10-2020: Oh, Mr Cleese … !

27th October, 2020.

Right … I am officially bound and determined to watch TV, tonight!

Frankly?   I’m up to episode six of Watchmen: one I’m looking forward to.

We get to see more of a meticulously crafted background world!

If you’ve not seen it?   Feel free to, it’s worth you’re time!


Right at the moment … ?

It’s 8:15.

Which means?

It’s thirty-five minutes since I got a scam call from an Indian call-centre, claiming to be from Amazon.

The woman I got through to, after going to through the automated part of the call, ending up putting the phone down on me: as she got a pile of abuse abuse from me.

I’ll apologise … 

But, frankly, getting a scam call at this time of the morning is not something I react well to.


Monday, 26 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th October, 2020.

26th October, 2020.

Right … I have to confess to late night blogging!

I’ve managed to catch two more episode of classic Dr Who story, Fury from the Deep.

The written review’s here.

The video review …

Has just floated past!

Now, now that those are done … ?

I can finish the Teaser and go back to bed!


Sunday, 25 October 2020

Dr Who — Season 5 Serial 6: Fury from the Deep — Episode 3 and 4 — A Review

25th October, 2020.

Yes: it’s officially the case … 

It’s a quiet Sunday night.

One that’s seen me have dinner with my family: we’re a social bubble, if I’ve understood the rules correctly.

And play Among Us with my nephew.

Frankly, I’m happier with Tetris!

But there you go.

At any rate … ?

At any rate, I’ve got home, tonight.

With plenty of time to spare.

Time that meant I could watch episode three and four of Fury from the Deep.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-10-2020: Agincourt

25th October, 2020.

Right …

I’m off for dinner with my family, this afternoon.

Which is good: it means I’ll be able to take a CD I burnt, over.

A copy of Marley’s Exodus, just in case you’re asking.

I’ll be honest, and admit I don’t know that much about reggae: but the impression I’ve picked up … ?

Is that Exodus is one of the albums.


Did I mention I saw the first two episodes of Fury from the Deep on Friday?

I saw the first two episode of Fury from the Deep on Friday … so you know.

The written review’s here.

The video version … ?

Is there …

Now, for anyone else who’s seen it … ?

Has anyone else noticed that the animators have changed Patrick Troughton’s eye colour … ?

It’s … 

Well, it’s a mistaken: I think.

But one that does match the colour palette of the two episodes.


Saturday, 24 October 2020

Dr Who — Season 5 Serial 6: Fury from the Deep — Episode 1 and 2 — A Review

23rd October, 2020

Right … just as a first point … ?   No: I don’t know where that “Brush like a Dentist” line came from.

Certainly not from Little Shop of Horrors.


I’ll happily admit to suffering depression.

In my particular case?

I’ll admit that — for me — that leads to a lot of tiredness.

That does not mean I can’t do the things I want to do.

Just that I have a condition — medicated with a low dose of fluoxetine, and aggravated by an under-active thyroid — that makes me want to sleep.

Right now?

Right now I want to hit the sack.

But … ?

But, much with my reviews of Watchmen?

I wanted to start my review of episode one and two of the classic Dr Who story, Fury from the Deep, now … 

And then finish it tomorrow.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th October, 2020

24th October, 2020.

Right, just so everyone knows: I’ve had to mention the fact in today’s video intro … 

It’s now no longer Crazy Hair Day.

We can safely but the spray-on dye … 


JUST as a remember for those of us in the UK … ?

Tonight sees the end of British Summer Time, and the start of Greenwich Mean Time.

The clocks go back, in other words.

Although, it has to be said … most of the things in my flat with clock will reset themselves.

All I have to make sure of?

Is the clock on my wall.


The BBC’s not posted it to their news website, as yet.

But … ?

I’m listening to Radio 4’s Today programme, right now.

Apparently?   The government is cutting the number of laptops it’s making available to schools: the laptops schools are supposed to hand out to family on low incomes, who need them to access online lessons.

Frankly?   I’m not surprised.

But also thinking that it’s something I should add to my various pieces on digital poverty.

There’s hoping Aunty Beeb post those pieces, soon.


Friday, 23 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-10-2020: Pelé

23rd October, 2020.

Yes: it’s true … I had my nephew, Jude, over, yesterday.


Today is Crazy Hair Day.

I thought the two glasses of diet cola I let him have, might have been a bit much … 

But it turns out that, no: he’s right.

There is a Crazy Hair Day.

I don’t think I’ve got enough to do anything special: at least any more wacky than I’ve done in the intro video … 

But feel free to have a go, yourself!


Thursday, 22 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser —  22-10-2020: Timothy Leary

22nd October, 2020.

I hate earworms, I really do!

Or, at least, sometimes, I do!

Sometimes, they’re not too bad.   And occasionally?

They’re just plain odd!

Today’s … ?   Is mildly odd.

Yep: the Singing Nun’s turned up!


Extending the theme?

It seems Pope Francis has expressed support for civil unions.

Civil unions, I should add, rather than equal marriage.

Granted, that’s not exactly the whole nine yards … but … ?

But, coming from a Pope, any Pope, the man in charge of a city state, and an organisation — Vatican City, and the Curia — that’s known to be … mildly conservative to say the least?

That’s a left wing revolution in the making.

Good for him!


And finally, on a personal level?

The interview, yesterday, didn’t work out.

Oh, the job sounded fine, and the interviewer, keen to both talk to me, and, potentially, hire me … 

Unfortunately, the office was just too far: too bus rides away!

That’s … 

Well … disappointing … 


As a final, final thought?

I managed to finish my video review of Watchman, episode 5.

Just so you know!


Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 5 — Little Fear of Lightning — A Review

20th October, 2020.

Right … it’s a Tuesday night, and frankly … ?

I’m wanting my bed.

That’s either my age, depression … or a knee that’s feeling older than the rest of me!

Either way … ?   And with various bits of me aching … ?

I wanted to get it on record: that I’d seen another episode of  Watchmen.

And will tell you more, tomorrow … !


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st October, 2020.

21st October, 2020.

Right … I have to admit to getting an early night, last night.

So … ?

For starters, that means I’ll be finishing my write-up of Watchmen’s fifth episode, this afternoon.

After I’ve had a phone interview.

Am I nervous?   Mildly, yes.

Am I expecting anything from it?   Frankly, no: the way my luck’s gone, I’m not expecting anything … !

We’ll have to see, though.


Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th October, 2020.

20th October, 2020.

Right: I’ve finally finished the most recent article for PhoenixFM!

If anyone wants to cheer, they’d be welcome.

If anyone want’s to read the thing?

That would be nice, too.

But just to try and summarise it?

My town hasn’t had a cinema since the old ABC closed down.

I think we could go with one: if for no other reason than providing a social distanced morale boosting.


I take it you follow the news, at all … ?

I’ve noticed this piece float past on the BBC’s teletext service.

It seems a group of cyber-criminals — calling themselves the Darkside Group — have decided to become modern-day Robin Hoods: and donate some of their ill-gotten gains to a couple of charities.


I have no idea.

Beyond thinking they’re either trying to generate good publicity for themselves … or not very good at money laundering … 


Monday, 19 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-10-2020: Jonathan Swift

19th October, 2020.

Right … 

You’ve possibly worked out I get the occasion ear-worm.

The occasional ear-worm!

And, frankly?

I think passing them on is the only way to get rid of them.

You’re welcome to I’m A Banana.

As it’s been bounding around my head all morning!


As an extra thought … ?

You’ll have realised that I had a rough sleeper on my doorstep, at the end of September.

To cut a long story short*, my landlords fitted a plate over the lock of my building’s main door … which then got removed.

I’m still not happy about that.

I have managed to get in touch with the relevant wonk over at Clarion Housing.

He’ll be investigating … once he gets back from leave!


I’m thinking ‘Sod the investigation: get someone to put the plate back!’

I’ll have to tell him that when he gets back … 


Sunday, 18 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th October, 2020

18th October, 2020.

I’m wondering what on Earth happened, there.

I’m online.

You can tell, can’t you?

I was online, yesterday, as well.

Except, and just on the desktop computers I use?

I couldn’t get through to Facebook, yesterday.

View this post on Instagram

Desktop version of Facebook's down

A post shared by Paul Nikolas Nak Downie (@mrcuddy2977) on

It’s back to normal, today, I should add.

Nope: I don’t know what happened, either!


Saturday, 17 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-10-2020: Eminem

17th October, 2020.

I am bloody angry … 

Remember me telling you about the situation with the mobile phone?   Because a local mast is down … ?

Well, I was sent the usual email summary from the various local rags, yesterday.

It’s seems it’s going to take longer.

Which, frankly, I hadn’t worked out!

The article saw a lot of councillors blaming the phone operators for the continuing black out.

Which is a little hypocritical, I think.

As it was the Council’s turning down plans for extra masts, in April … 


There’s something else.

Remember the chap who slept on my doorstep, a couple of weeks ago?

My landlords … ?

Installed a bar over the lock of the main door: to stop people jimmying the lock to get in.

That stayed until yesterday.

When someone removed it.

I’ve sent a rocket up my landlord’s bums: AND tweeted it.
As you can imagine, I’m not happy.

I’m screamingly angry.


Friday, 16 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th October, 2020.

16th October, 2020.

I think we can safely say my nephew was over, yesterday.

A day which saw us playing silly online games: Stickman Hook went down well.

But, my lord, there’s a lot of pop up adverts, there.

If I never see another ad for Myla, the Magical Make-up pony, again, it’ll be too soon!


In amongst the arguments?

Essex is now a Tier Two area: operating under tighter COVID 19 restrictions, in other words.

It doesn’t affect me: much.

But, lord: I’m glad I’ve been out of the hospitality trade for a while.

The pub game’s not having a good time, right now.


At any rate?

I think I’m going to have to play you Amina’s Le Dernier Que A Parlé.

Purely and simply because the song that should have done that year’s Eurovision is:
  • Earworming its way through my head.
  • Gorgous.


Thursday, 15 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-10-2020: Virgil … 

15th October, 2020.

Yes: I’ve got my nephew around, this afternoon.

And, to be frank?

I’m A Banana went down a storm, the last time he was here.

We’ll have to see what I can smuggle past him, this time.

Vanessa Carlton’s A Thousand Miles, currently ear worming it’s way through my head, probably won’t.

We’ll have to see if he goes for Star Wars!


Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-10-2020: Breaking the Barrier

14th October, 2020.

Right … it’s now officially Wednesday: which means I’ve got an appointment with my landlords, this afternoon.

Assuming I’ve got my dates right!

Basically, to see what sort of funding I can get hold of: to help find a job … 

If I get nothing, I’m no worse off then I am, now.

If I can get a laptop off it … ?

AND do that training course?

I’m possibly laughing.


Did I mention I’ve been watching Watchmen, over the past few weeks?

I managed to catch episode four — If You don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own — last night.

It has to be said: Jeremy Irons, cloned servants,  a lot of corpses, and a catapult?

Is a little unnerving …


Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 4 — If You don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own — A Review

13th October, 2020.

OK … 

It’s a Tuesday night: and frankly?

I’m umming and ahhhing about finishing this post, tonight … or leaving it until the morning.

We’ll have to see, won’t we?

I do know two things.

I’ve had a natter with a couple of neighbours, today.


We have mail theft in action.

One set of neighbours have just received a credit card she didn’t apply for.

The last time that happened was a result of mail being pinched … 

Another neighbour … ?

Has had money taken from his bank.

The only thing that he could explain that by … ?

Was by someone pinching a bank statement from the mailbox … 

Ever get the feeling someone’s having a laugh?


The other thing I wanted to tell you about … ?

Is yes: I’ve seen episode four of Watchmen, series one.

They had to include Time Is On My Side*, didn’t they … ?


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser  — 13th October, 2020.

13th October, 2020.

Yes: I’ve officially been to Romford!

By train, if you didn’t realise it!


Mostly?   So I could visit the Romford branch of CeX: as the Brentwood Branch is now closed.

It … was something of a trip.

I went to college in Romford: back in the Nineteen-eighties.

So it’s unnerving to see that a café called the Gingham Kitchen, and bakers, Godfreys of Hornchurch, are still there!

After some thirty-six years!
