1st October, 2020.
Right … I think we can safely say it’s raining: or, at least, drizzling.
It’s not looking good, in other words.
That means buying milk’s going to be … well … damp!
Just as a quick word?
I’m still looking forward to seeing the first part of Dune: due out at some point this year.
The reason I mention it … ?
Is simply that there’s a 4k version of the trailer out.
Dear lord: but those sandworms look impressive.
![]() |
A Giant Sandworm. |
Let’s move on, shall we?
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Edith‡ (who’s getting used to the comment system) and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Debbi, Trevor and Olga scoring five out of five: and Edith on four.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) 1st October is Independence Day in Nigeria. Where did it become Independent from?Q2) In which year did Nigeria become independent?Q3) Nigeria’s a what: republic, monarchy or theocracy?Q4) What’s Nigeria’s capital city?Q5) Finally … ? English is the official language of Nigeria. Name any one of the three main national languages. (In this case? The languages are the three main languages by number of speakers.)
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 30th September saw the birth of writer, Truman Capote. In which year?A1) 1924.Q2) What — in 1948 — was the name of Capote’s first published novel?Q3) Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s: a short and three stories was published in 1958. Who played Holly, the main character, in the 1961 film of Breakfast at Tiffany’s: a short and three stories?Q4) Capote’s In Cold Blood was about the murder of the Clutter family. In a small town in which US state?A4) Kansas. (Famously, he worked on the book, with childhood friend, Harper Lee.)Q5) Finally … ? Who played Capote, in the 2005 biopic, Capote?A5) Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
Here’s a motto …
“Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress.”Nigeria’s motto.
And Nigeria’s national anthem …
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Have a good day.
* Thinking about it, Olga? You’re right about the Tweet, there! What can I tell you? Well … bar the fact I’ve been checking my porch, before I go too bed, since Tuesday. I suspect it’s going to take a few days before I get out of that habit! At any rate? I’ve put a sign up, myself: I suspect I’ll need to remind our landlords to do something similar! (I’ve JUST messaged them on Twitter.)
Here’s hoping that helps!
† It’s copyrighted, you say, Trevor? It’s funny what get’s covered! (I’m assuming the folks that got The statue got permission!)
‡ Morning, Edith: welcome aboard! I hope you’d like to stick around. I’ve sent a Tweet about posting, so you know. Hitting the Name/URL button should help.
^ I was sorely tempted, Debbi! And yes, that’s the term. 😂
At ANY rate … I know the police are — ha! — busy … but they only seem to want to turn up around here, if the press are with them.
Q1) The United Kingdom
Q2) 1960
Q3) A republic
Q4) Abuja
Q5) Yoruba
Perhaps the issue of the police not turning up and all that might be interesting for a future article as well. I'm sure many locals would have something to contribute. Stay safe (here it's supposed to rain tomorrow).
Ah, have you heard anything about that programme of soups and milkshakes to help with diets? I just read an article about it today and I remember you had mentioned it. Considering your diabetes I would have thought you'd be a candidate...
A1 The United Kingdom
A2 1960
A3 Republic
A4 Abuja
A5 Yoruba
I think that both the copyright and the statue are owned by the town of Skegness.
Britiain.1960,republic, Abuja,Yoruba,
1. U.K
4. Niger
Yes, good press is always nice. Bad press, not so much. :)
1. Great Britain
2. 1960
3. republic
4. Abuja
5. Yoruba
Did you see the book review I did for Color of Magic and Good Omens?
Now, I'm a huge Neil Gaiman fan! :) Oh, Lord ... so many books ...
1. Great Britain
2. 1960
3. Republic
4. Abuja
5. Hausa
You know, sometimes the 5 question sets are just more manageable. It is 4am after all!
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